B.Sc. Thesis – Christoph Andres: Development of a ROS2 Interface for the FANUC CRX-10iA robot arm
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr Elmar Rückert, Niko Feith
Start date: 1st March 2023
Theoretical difficulty: low
Practical difficulty: mid
The FANUC CRX-10iA robot arm is a compliant system that can be used for collaborative human-robot tasks.
In this Bachelor thesis, the abilities of the robot arm are evaluated for such co-worker scenarios. In particular, the reachable space, the robustness of the inverse kinematics, the ability to simulate the system in real-time, and the precision and reliability of the system are analyzed.
To embed the system in our CPS Hub, a ROS2 interface will be developed und used for all experiments. The interface can be used to control the system or to send end receive commands from simulation tools like CoppeliaSim or Gazebo.
Tentative Work Plan
To achieve our objective, the following concrete tasks will be focused on:
- Literature research
- ROS2 interface implementation for the simulation tool
- ROS2 interface implementation for the real system
- Identification of quality measures and definition of the experiments
- Evaluation
- Thesis writing
Development of a ROS2 Interface for the FANUC CRX-10iA robot arm