Postdoctoral fellow at IAS, Darmstadt

Elmar Rueckert joined the Autonomous Systems Labs of Prof. Jan Peters as Post-Doc in March 2014.

Ph.D. Defense – Summa Cum Laude (with honors).

At the Technical University Graz, Austria with Prof. Wolfgang Maass.

Two Journal Papers Accepted at Frontiers in Computational Neurosciene

Rueckert, Elmar; d’Avella, Andrea
Learned parametrized dynamic movement primitives with shared synergies for controlling robotic and musculoskeletal systems

Rueckert, Elmar; Neumann, Gerhard; Toussaint, Marc; Maass, Wolfgang
Learned graphical models for probabilistic planning provide a new class of movement primitives

M.Sc. defense – Summa Cum Laude (with honors).

At the technical University Graz with Prof. Horst Bischof.