How to use Sensor Glove with Robot Hand
Repository Clone
- You need to clone this repository.
Additional Requirements
Download and install the Arduino IDE.
Follow this page to configure IDE and install additional libraries.
Install Rosserial Python.
Connection with PC
First step is to make sure that the Sensor glove is connected to the USB0 and Robot Hand is connected to USB1. If this is not in order, we might have to change it inside the files and aslo in rosserial_python library.
Connecting with ROS
- Initiate Roscore with command: roscore
- Run the Rosserial Python command to initiate the Serial connection between with the hand through Python:
rosrun rosserial_python tcp
You will see something like this:
- After this, run the Arduino file to initiate the calibration. If the Serial connection is finished, you will see something like this:
Connecting with the Robot Hand
In order to connect with the hand, just run this file:
roslaunch rh8d start_rh8d.launch