Latex Templates

CPS Latex Templates

Find below Latex templates for student reports, B.Sc. theses, M.Sc. theses and doctoral theses.

You may use these templates also for other lectures, courses, seminars or doctoral theses at other chairs at the Montanuniversität Leoben. However, do not remove the acknowledgement or copyright statement.

Student Report or Assignment

We provide a professional scientific student report template using double columns.

Get the latest CPS report template from our cloud.

Student Presentation

We provide a scientific student presentation template for project and thesis reports. Get the latest CPS presentation (latex beamer) template from our cloud.

B.Sc. Thesis

We provide a thesis template using minitocs in a standard report format.

Get the latest B.Sc. template from our cloud.

The latex template also provides basic instructions on the content and the structure of a thesis.

However, every thesis is unique and may be adapted acordingly.

M.Sc. Thesis

We provide a thesis template using minitocs in a standard report format.

Get the latest M.Sc. thesis template from our cloud.

Ph.D. Thesis

We provide a Ph.D. thesis template using minitocs in a standard report format.

Get the latest Ph.D. thesis template from our cloud.

In Introduction to Latex

If you have never used Latex, you find a brief intorduction in these slides on Latex.