Meeting Notes – Melanie 14.07.2022
- Dataset updates
- Progress
- Metallurgy review
- Next Steps
- Study dense NN
- Study CNNs
- Classification
- Bounding Box
- Segmentation
- Feature matching
- Autoencoders
- Anomaly detection
- FlowNet 2.0
- Tools
- Pycharm
- Pytotch
- meeting schedule
- day/time
- place
Topic 1: Dataset updates
On Friday’s meeting with Voest
Topic 2: Progress
Focus on the part of the data comes from.
make a presentation. 6-7 slides each book
Topic 3: Next steps
- Study dense NN
- Study CNNs
- Classification
- FlowNet 2.0
Topic 3: Tools
- Pycharm
- Pytotch
Topic 4: Meeting Schedule
Next Steps
- Presentation of Metallourgy SOTA
- Present an introduction to NN/CNNs
- Small jupyter tutorial on DNN/CNNs
- Presentation of FlowNet paper