Meeting on the 19th, October 2022

Location: Chair of CPS

Date & Time: 5th Oct 2022

Participants: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert, DI Nikolaus Feith, BSc



  1. Update
  2. Future Steps/News

Top 1: Update

  • Since October 12, two presentations were prepared and one was given to the chair on the ROS2 tutorial. The second one deals with the paper “VisuoSpatial Foresigt for Multi-Step, Multi-Task Fabric Manipulation” and will be given next Thursday.
  • Furthermore, a concept for the CPS HUB for the ROS2 repositories was developed and finalized with the other PhD students. 
  • Literature search on Related work to GNN in Motion Planning has been started.
  •  First ROS2 submodule of RH8D robot arm was completed. Data of force sensors at fingertips can be published.

Top 2: Future Steps/News

  • Usage of the desk app in nexttcloud was discussed
  • ROS2: Further discussion on the shared control project, usage of the tablet with android app. Continue working on the RH8D hand.
  • Topics for the Integrated Project, Bachelor’s theses and Master’s theses should be considered. What should be investigated in more detail?
  • Not only on shared control should be further investigated but also GNN.