Pratheesh Nair, B.Sc.

Master Thesis Student at the Montanuniversität Leoben

Short bio:

Research Interests

  • Robotics



Pratheesh, B.Sc
Master Thesis Student at the Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems
Montanuniversität Leoben
Franz-Josef-Straße 18, 
8700 Leoben, Austria 


Melanie Neubauer, M.Sc.

Ph.D. Student at the Montanuniversität Leoben

Hi! My Name is Melanie Neubauer and I started at the CPS-Chair in April 2023. 

I studied Industrial Logistics at the Montanuniversität Leoben, where I passed my  Master’s defense in March 2023.

In my doctoral work, I investigate  deep neural networks for image processing in cyber-physical-systems combined with inverse reinforcement learning techniques.

The title of my doctoral work is: Vision-based Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Research Interests

  • Cyber-Physical-Systems 
  • Robotics
  • Machine Learning


M.Sc. Melanie Neubauer
Doctoral Student supervised by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert since April 2023.
Montanuniversität Leoben
Franz-Josef-Straße 18, 
8700 Leoben, Austria 

Phone:  +43 3842 402 – 1901 (Sekretariat CPS)

Email:   melanie.neubauer@unileoben.ac.at
Web Work: CPS-Page


Sorry, no publications matched your criteria.

01.03.2023 Meeting Notes

Meeting Details

Date: 1st March 2023

Time : 11:00 – 11:45

Location : Chair of CPS, Montanuniverität Leoben

Participants: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert, Vedant Dave


  1. Finalise the formulation of Iterative Empowerment and implement it.
  2. Complete the Information Bottleneck formulation.

Topic 1: Iterative Empowerment

  1. Finalise the formulation.
  2. Implement the formulation.

Topic 2: Information bottleneck

  1. Continue on the current formulation.


To be added

Next Meeting


Self-supervised Learning for Few-Shot Learning – Internship Position

Start date: Open

Location: Leoben

Job Type: Internship

Duration: 3-6 months, depending on the level of applicant’s proficiency on the asked qualifications.

Keywords: Self-supervised learning, Few-shot learning, Deep learning, PyTorch, Research


Job Description

We are looking for a highly motivated research intern to work on the development of novel self-supervised learning algorithms to improve few-shot learning. The intern will be responsible for conducting research on self-supervised learning techniques such as contrastive learning and generative models, and their applications to few-shot learning. The intern will also be responsible for implementing and evaluating these algorithms on benchmark datasets.


  • Conduct research on self-supervised learning techniques for few-shot learning.
  • Develop novel self-supervised learning algorithms and evaluate their performance on benchmark datasets.
  • Implement and fine-tune deep learning models for few-shot learning using self-supervised pre-training.
  • Collaborate with the research team to design and carry out experiments and analyze results.
  • Contribute to writing research papers and technical reports.


  • Currently pursuing a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science,
    Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics or related
  • Strong programming skills in Python and experience with deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch or TensorFlow.
  • Familiarity with self-supervised learning techniques such as contrastive learning and generative models.
  • Knowledge of few-shot learning and transfer learning is a plus.
  • Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work independently and collaboratively.
  • Good written and verbal communication skills in English.

Opportunities and Benefits of the Internship

This internship provides an excellent opportunity to gain hands-on experience in cutting-edge research on self-supervised learning for few-shot learning, working with a highly collaborative and supportive team. The intern will also have the opportunity to co-author research papers and technical reports, and participate in conferences and workshops.


Send us your CV accompanied by a letter of motivation at fotios.lygerakis@unileoben.ac.at with the subject: “Internship Application | Self-supervised Learning”


We will support you during your application for an internship grant. Below we list some relevant grant application details.

CEEPUS grant (European for undergrads and graduates)

Find details on the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies program at https://grants.at/en/ or at https://www.ceepus.info.

In principle, you can apply at any time for a scholarship. However, also your country of origin matters and there exist networks of several countries that have their own contingent.

Ernst Mach Grant (Worldwide for PhDs and Seniors)

Find details on the program at https://grants.at/en/ or at https://oead.at/en/to-austria/grants-and-scholarships/ernst-mach-grant.

Rest Funding Resourses

Apply online at http://www.scholarships.at/

Meeting Notes February 2023

Meeting 02/02


  • Follow up CR-VAE
    • Files on the papers folder
    • Create simple code to run experiments as described on paper
      • Upload on gitea
    • Create a webpage for CR-VAE paper
    • Wait for reviews (March 13)
    • Rebuttal (March 19)
  • Extend the representation learning work towards disentanglement
    • Literature Review
    • Dig deeper into Transformers
  • Literature Review on SOTA RL algorithms
    • Read and implement basic and SOTA RL algorithms
      • Can be the base of an RL course too.
  • Use CR-VAE with SOTA RL algorithms
    • First experiments with SAC
    • Explore sample efficiency
    • Explore gradient flow ablations
  • Develop an AR-ROS2 framework
    • Create a minimal working example of manipulating a physical robot (UR3) with Hololens2

M.Sc. Students/Interns

  • Melanie
    • Thesis Review
    • Code submission
  • Sign Language project
    • Define the project more clearly
      • Feedback needed
    • Send study details to the applicant
  • AR project
    • Is it within the scope of our research?

ML Assistantship

  • Syllabus
  • Prepare exercises 


  • Ph.D. registration
    • Mentor
      • Ortner Ronald?
      • Other UNI?
  • Retreats
    • expectations/requirements
  • Summer School
  • Neural Coffee (ML Reading Group)
    • When: Every Friday 10:00-12:00
    • Where: CPS Kitchen (?)
    • Poster
  • Floor and Desk Lamps

Meeting 16/02


  • create a new research draft
    • implement CURL
    • substitute contrastive learning with CR-VAE representations
  • Literature review on unsupervised learning (Hinton’s work) to find out ankles that have room for improvement
    • write a journal on that

Summer School

  • Cv &  motivation letter feedback
  • Applied

M.Sc. Students/Interns

  • Melanie: thesis review done
  • Iye Szin:
    • Gave her resources to study (ML/NN/ROS2)
    • Discussed a plan for internship

Ph.D. registration

  • PhD in Computer Science
    • Not possible
    • probably doesn’t matter(?)
  • Call with Dean of Studies
  • Mentor
    • I would like someone exposed to sample-efficient and robust Reinforcement Learning. Hopefully to Robot Learning too
    • Someone that can also extend my scientific network of people  
    • Can I ask professors from other universities?
  • Mentor Candidates
    • Marc Toussaint, Learning and Intelligent Systems lab, TU Berlin, Germany
    • Abhinav Valada, Robot Learning Lab, University of Freiburg, Germany
    • Georgia Chalvatzaki, IAS, TU Darmstadt, Germany
    • Edward Johns, Robot Learning Lab, Imperial College London, UK
    • Sepp Hochreiter, Institute of Machine Learning, JKU Linz, Austria
  • Write a paper with a mentor

ML Course

  • Jupyter notebooks or old code? If Jyputer notebooks, why not google collab?
  • What will the context of lectures be so that I can prepare exercises accordingly?
    • lectures are up
  • 20% of the final exam is from the lab exercises
  • Decide on the lecture format
  • Find an appropriate dataset


Science Breakfast @MUL: 14/02 11:00-12:00

Anymal Robot at Mining chair on 15/02?

Effective Communication In Academia Seminar

  • Feedback on CPS presentation template:
    • Size: Make the slide size the same as PowerPoint (more rectangular).
    • Outline (left outline)
      • We could skip the subsections. Keep only the higher sections
      • Make the fonts darker. They are not easily visible on a projector
    • Colors
      • Color of boxes (frames) must become darker, otherwise it is not easily distinguishable from the white background on a projector
  • Idea: Create a Google Slide template
    • Easier to use
    • Can add arrows, circles, etc
    • Easier with tables

Meeting 28/02


  • air-hokey challenge

M.Sc. Students/Interns

  • Iye Szin:
    • starts 2 March
    • Elmar has to sign documents (permanent position)
    • Allocation of HW
    • transpornder

Ph.D. registration

  • Mentor can be from anywhere
  • Mentor has to be a recognized scientist (with a “venia docendi” if he/she is from the German-speaking world)
  • No courses or ects needed
  • the mentor must not be a reviewer of your thesis. He can be an examiner, though.
  • Email to Marc Toussaint?
  • Officially: no obligations
  • Unofficially: propose common reasearch

ML Course

  • Google Collab
    • Uses the jupyter format.
    • Runs online
    • Even supports limited access to GPU/TPU
    • Speeds up learning process
  • Do we need latex?
    • yes
  • Update slides for the Lab accordingly
  • Submission at a folder in the cloud
    • ipynb file
    • report
    • zipped and named : firstname_lastname_m00000_assignment1.zip
  • Online lectures -> webex more stable
  • Google slides template
  • Grading
    • 100 pts
    • latex report: +10
    • optional exercise: +20
  • tweetback: 3 questions


    • IAS retreat
    • Melanie’s presentation

15.02.2023 Meeting Notes

Meeting Details

Date: 15th February 2022

Time : 13:30 – 14:00

Location : Chair of CPS, Montanuniverität Leoben

Participants: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert, Vedant Dave


  1. Check the formulation of Iterative Empowerment.
  2. Information Bottleneck for Non-Markovian environments.

Topic 1: Iterative Empowerment

  1. Implementation of formulation in gridworld.
  2. Comparision with prior approaches and other curiosity modules.

Topic 2: Information bottleneck for Non-Markovian environments

  1. Idea formulation.
  2. Study Information bottleneck and related papers thotoughly.


To be added

Next Meeting


B.Sc. Thesis – Marco Schwarz: Development of a generic ROS2 Device Interface based on Micro-ROS on a ESP32

Supervisor: DI Nikolaus Feith;
Konrad Bartsch;
Univ.-Prof. Dr Elmar Rückert
Start date: 8th Februar 2023


Theoretical difficulty: low
Practical difficulty: high


Modern IoT devices are powerful elements in complex Cyber-Physical-Systems (CPS). 


However, communicating with such microcontrollers can be challenging and often requires custom software and hardware interfaces. When working with many different devices, this can quickly become overwhelming. 

The goal of this thesis is to develop a generic hardware interface for the ESP32 microcontroller.

Individual hardware devices, sensors, and actuators can be integrated into a CPS through configuration files. Adjusting these files does not require in-depth hardware or software knowledge and allows rapid IoT development and integration via ROS 2.

The power of the generic ROS2 device interface is demonstrated in multiple use cases, e.g., the sensor glove with flex sensors, vibration motors and an IMU, or an ODrive motor controller board for mobile robots. 

Tentative Work Plan

To achieve our objective, the following concrete tasks will be focused on:

  • Assess the hardware and software requirements for the interfaces.
  • Literature research on related or existing generic ROS2 solutions.
  • Development of the generic software program. 
  • Use case evaluation of the interface for various devices. Assessment of the performance and limitations. 
  • Software documentation in the wiki of the git repository.
  • B.Sc. thesis writing
  • Research paper contribution with figures, results (optional).

Related Work

[R1] Dauphin, L., Baccelli, E., & Adjih, C. (2018, September). RIOT-ROS2: low-cost robots in IoT controlled via information-centric networking. In 2018 IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks (PEMWN) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

[R2] Barciś, M., Barciś, A., Tsiogkas, N., & Hellwagner, H. (2021). Information Distribution in Multi-Robot Systems: Generic, Utility-Aware Optimization Middleware. Frontiers in Robotics and AI8, 685105.

[R3] Jo, W., Kim, J., Wang, R., Pan, J., Senthilkumaran, R. K., & Min, B. C. (2022). Smartmbot: A ros2-based low-cost and open-source mobile robot platform. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.08903.

Tutorials and Documentations

[1] ESP32 Tutorials, last visited 09.02.2023, https://randomnerdtutorials.com/getting-started-with-esp32/

[2] ESP32 Tutorials, last visited 09.02.2023, https://www.az-delivery.de/en/blogs/azdelivery-blog-fur-arduino-und-raspberry-pi/esp32-das-multitalent

[3] MAC OS Serial Driver, last visited 09.02.2023, https://github.com/adrianmihalko/ch340g-ch34g-ch34x-mac-os-x-driver

[4] ESP32 Datasheet, last visited 09.02.2023, https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32_datasheet_en.pdf

[5] ROS2 Documentation, last visited 09.02.2023, https://docs.ros.org/en/humble


Development of a generic ROS2 Device Interface based on Micro-ROS on a ESP32

Self-Supervised Learning Techniques for Improving Unsupervised Representation Learning [M.Sc. Thesis/Int. CPS project]


The need for efficient and compact representations of sensory data such as visual and textual has grown significantly due to the exponential growth in the size and complexity of the data. Self-supervised learning techniques, such as autoencoders, contrastive learning, and transformer, have shown significant promise in learning such representations from large unlabeled datasets. This research aims to develop novel self-supervised learning techniques inspired by these approaches to improve the quality and efficiency of unsupervised representation learning.


The study will begin by reviewing the state-of-the-art self-supervised learning techniques and their applications in various domains, including computer vision and natural language processing. Next, a set of experiments will be conducted to develop and evaluate the proposed techniques on standard datasets in these domains.

The experiments will focus on learning compact and efficient representations of sensory data using autoencoder-based techniques, contrastive learning, and transformer-based approaches. The performance of the proposed techniques will be evaluated based on their ability to improve the accuracy and efficiency of unsupervised representation learning tasks.

The research will also investigate the impact of different factors such as the choice of loss functions, model architecture, and hyperparameters on the performance of the proposed techniques. The insights gained from this study will help in developing guidelines for selecting appropriate self-supervised learning techniques for efficient and compact representation learning.

Overall, this research will contribute to the development of novel self-supervised learning techniques for efficient and compact representation learning of sensory data. The proposed techniques will have potential applications in various domains, including computer vision, natural language processing, and other sensory data analysis tasks.


  • Currently pursuing a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science,
    Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, or related
  • Strong programming skills in Python
  • Experience with deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch or TensorFlow.
  • Good written and verbal communication skills in English.
  • (optional) Familiarity with unsupervised learning techniques such as contrastive learning, self-supervised learning, and generative models


If this topic excites you you, please contact Fotios Lygerakis by email at fotios.lygerakis@unileoben.ac.at or simple visit us at our chair in the Metallurgie building, 1st floor.

Björn Ellensohn, B.Sc.

Student Assistant at the Montanuniversität Leoben


Short bio: Björn Ellensohn, B.Sc. started at CPS in April  2023.

Björn Ellensohn is a master student at Montanuniversität Leoben in the program Industrielle Energietechnik with a focus on digitalization. Björn’s research interests include automating drilling operations, his bachelor’s thesis focused on the challenges involved in this drilling process, and at CPS he develops complex ROS2 software and hardware systems.


Research Interests

  • Python, Docker, ROS, ROS2, micro-ROS
  • Robotics, Electronics, embedded systems
  • mobile robotics, legged robots 
  • mapping, navigation and path planning (active SLAM)



Björn Ellensohn, B.Sc 
Student Assistent at the Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems
Montanuniversität Leoben
Franz-Josef-Straße 18, 
8700 Leoben, Austria 




PURE Datenbank

Ansprechperson an der MUL


Vergleich der Publikationen auf unserer Webpage https://cps.unileoben.ac.at/publications/mit den Publikationen in PURE. Fehlende Einträge müssen erstellt werden. 


Neuer Eintrag: Contribution to Journal

Etwas verwirrend mag die Kategorisierung sein. Alle unsere Arbeiten sind unter dem Hauptpunkt “Contribution to Journal” angesiedelt. 

  • Conference Article (our peer-reviewed conf., workshop and abstract papers)
  • Article (real journal articles)