Successful grant

Our grant application for building an AI Robot Lab was funded. We will set up an industrial robot learning lab with

Find out more at https://cps.unileoben.ac.at/2022/03/08/ai-robot-lab/.

Conference Paper accepted at ICAR 2021

The paper on A high-accuracy, low-budget Sensor Glove for Trajectory Model Learning by Robin Denz*, Rabia Demirci, Mehmet Ege Cansev, Adna Bliek, Beckerle Beckerle, Elmar Rueckert and Nils Rottmann was accepted at the 20th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), December 6-10, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Journal Paper accepted at Frontiers in Robotics and AI

Xue Honghu, Herzog Rebecca, Berger Till M., Bäumer Tobias, Weissbach Anne and Rueckert Elmar published the article on “Using Probabilistic Movement Primitives in Analyzing Human Motion Differences Under Transcranial Current Stimulation” at the journal Frontiers in Robotics and AI in September 2021.

Conference Paper accepted at ECMR 2021

The paper by Nils Rottmann, Robin Denz, Ralf Bruder and Elmar Rueckert on “Probabilistic Approach for Complete Coverage Path Planning with low-cost Systems” was accepted at the European Conference on Mobile Robotics (ECMR).

Conference Paper accepted at HUMANOIDS 2021

The paper by Marko Jamsek, Tjasa Kunavar, Urban Bobek, Elmar Rueckert and Jan Babic on Predictive exoskeleton control for arm-motion augmentation based on probabilistic movement primitives combined with a flow controller was accepted at the IEEE-RAS 20th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids).

Journal paper of the DFG TRAIN project team accepted

The paper on “Interactive Human-Robot Skill Transfer: A Review of Learning Methods and User Experience” by Mehmet Ege Cansev, Honghu Xue, Nils Rottmann, Adna Bliek, Luke E. Miller, Elmar Rueckert and Philipp Beckerle was accepted for publication at the Advanced Intelligent Systems.

Journal Paper accepted at IEEE RA-L

The paper “Predictive exoskeleton control for arm-motion augmentation based on probabilistic movement primitives combined with a flow controller” by Marko Jamsek and Tjasa Kunavar and Urban Bobek and Elmar Rueckert and Jan Babic was accepted for publication at IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L).

Journal Paper accepted at IEEE RA-L

The paper on “SKID RAW: Skill Discovery from Raw
Trajectories“, by Daniel Tanneberg, Kai Ploeger, Elmar Rueckert,
Jan Peters was accepted for publication at IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters(RA-L).

1st of March 2021 Starting as Chair of the Cyber-Physical-Systems Lab at Leoben

With March 1st, 2021, Prof. Rueckert chairs the Cyber-Physic al-Systems Institute at the Montanuniversität in Leoben, Austria. This new Institute will focus on robotics and machine learning research and will contribute to the data science master program.

Successful Graduation of Daniel Tanneberg

Congratulations to Daniel Tanneberg for completing his PhD. He is the first graduate of Prof. Elmar Rueckert’s group.