Meeting Notes May 2023

Meeting on the 23th of May 2023

Location: Chair of CPS

Date & Time: 23th May 2023, 10:30 am to 11:00 am

Participants: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert, Melanie Neubauer, M.Sc.



  1. Organisatorial progress update by Melanie.
  2. Topics of promising future research direction.
  3. Next steps of Melanie.

Discussion regarding Recycling Lab St. Michael

  • wait for E-Mail from Alexia Tischberger-Aldrian (visit in St. Michael)
  • currently no data available
  • server is set up to collect data
  • various sensors record the data
  • Infos regarding data – see Project Manual p. 16 chapter 7.1

Discussion regarding future publications

1. Publication
– publicate the collected and labeled data from St. Michael
– generate a GUI for labeling the data 
– the labeling is made by study assistants (about 200.000 Images)

2. Publication
– Conference Paper about Particle Tracking
– Train a network on the basis of the first Publication

eventually 3. Publication Transfer Learning
– use Open source Data for training

Main Question: How does a network learn an efficient representation to be able to build a reasonable model (even with a small amount of training data)?

To Do:

  • wait for E-Mail from Alexia Tischberger-Aldrian to visit the Recycling Lab
  • Ask for Waste-RL Dataset from ‘Waste Management’ Paper (www.elsevier.com/locate/wastman) – Images from Waste-RL are not very suitable
  • maybe find some other Dataset instead of Waste-RL
  •  Read Paper Waste Management
  • Use Paper ‘Sparse Detr…’ on the Steel Defect Dataset from the Master Thesis


B.Sc. Thesis – Christoph Andres: Development of a ROS2 Interface for the FANUC CRX-10iA robot arm

Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr Elmar Rückert, Niko Feith
Start date: 1st March 2023


Theoretical difficulty: low
Practical difficulty: mid


The FANUC CRX-10iA robot arm is a compliant system that can be used for collaborative human-robot tasks. 

In this Bachelor thesis, the abilities of the robot arm are evaluated for such co-worker scenarios. In particular, the reachable space, the robustness of the inverse kinematics, the ability to simulate the system in real-time, and the precision and reliability of the system are analyzed.

To embed the system in our CPS Hub, a ROS2 interface will be developed und used for all experiments. The interface can be used to control the system or to send end receive commands from simulation tools like CoppeliaSim or Gazebo. 

Tentative Work Plan

To achieve our objective, the following concrete tasks will be focused on:

  • Literature research
  • ROS2 interface implementation for the simulation tool
  • ROS2 interface implementation for the real system
  • Identification of quality measures and definition of the experiments
  • Evaluation 
  • Thesis writing


Development of a ROS2 Interface for the FANUC CRX-10iA robot arm

Meeting Notes May 2023

Meeting 11/05


  • submitted CR-VAE paper to ECAI
  • Research leads:
    1. Dimensionality Collapse of Visual Representations in Reinforcement Learning
    2. Improve SwAV architecture by creating better latent space clusters with the use of Sparse Autoencoders

PhD Registration

  • Signed Application
  • Will hand it over to the Admissions office

M.Sc. Students/Interns

  • Possible PhD position for Iye Szin
  • Early June first draft presentation

ML Course

  • Assignment 5


  • Kleinwassertal


Meeting 25/05


Literature Review

  1. Dimensionality Collapse of Visual Representations in Reinforcement Learning
  2. Improve SwAV architecture by creating better latent space clusters with the use of Sparse Autoencoders

 ECAI review papers

  • 6 papers assigned = 16hours(2 days)/paper = 96 hours(12 days)
  • More feasible to review 2 papers.
  • deadline 16 June

M.Sc. Students/Interns

ML Course

  • Graded up to assignment 4
  • Assignment 6 out



3D perception and SLAM using geometric and semantic information for mine inspection with quadruped robot

Supervisor: Linus Nwankwo, M.Sc.;
Univ.-Prof. Dr Elmar Rückert
Start date: As soon as possible


Theoretical difficulty: mid
Practical difficulty: high


Unlike the traditional mine inspection approach, which is inefficient in terms of time, terrain, and coverage, this project/thesis aims to investigate novel 3D perception and SLAM using geometric and semantic information for real-time mine inspection.

We propose to develop a SLAM approach that takes into account the terrain of the mining site and the sensor characteristics to ensure complete coverage of the environment while minimizing traversal time.

Tentative Work Plan

To achieve our objective, the following concrete tasks will be focused on:

  • Study the concept of 3D perception and SLAM for mine inspection, as well as algorithm development, system integration and real-world demonstration using Unitree Go1 quadrupedal robot.

  • Setup and familiarize with the simulation environment:
    • Build the robot model (URDF) for the simulation (optional if you wish to use the existing one)
    • Setup the ROS framework for the simulation (Gazebo, Rviz)
    • Recommended programming tools: C++, Python, Matlab
  • Develop a novel SLAM system for the quadrupedal robot to navigate, map and interact with challenging real-world environments:
    • 2D/3D mapping in complex indoor/outdoor environments

    • Localization using either Monte Carlo or extended Kalman filter

    • Complete coverage path-planning

  • Intermediate presentation:
    • Presenting the results of the literature study
    • Possibility to ask questions about the theoretical background
    • Detailed planning of the next steps
  • Implementation:

    • Simulate the achieved results in a virtual environment (Gazebo, Rviz, etc.)

    • Real-time testing on Unitree Go1 quadrupedal robot.

  • Evaluate the performance in various challenging real-world environments, including outdoor terrains, urban environments, and indoor environments with complex structures.
  • M.Sc. thesis or research paper writing (optional)

Related Work

[1]  Wolfram Burgard, Cyrill Stachniss, Kai Arras, and Maren Bennewitz , ‘SLAM: Simultaneous
Localization and Mapping’,  http://ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ss12/robotics/slides/12-slam.pdf

[2]  V.Barrile, G. Candela, A. Fotia, ‘Point cloud segmentation using image processing techniques for structural analysis’, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-2/W11, 2019 

[3]  Łukasz Sobczak , Katarzyna Filus , Adam Domanski and Joanna Domanska, ‘LiDAR Point Cloud Generation for SLAM Algorithm Evaluation’, Sensors 2021, 21, 3313. https://doi.org/10.3390/ s21103313.

M.Sc. Project – Mekonoude Etienne Kpanou: Mobile robot teleoperation based on human finger direction and vision

Supervisors: Univ. -Prof. Dr. Elmar Rückert  and Nwankwo Linus M.Sc.

Theoretical difficulty: mid
Practical difficulty: mid

Naturally, humans have the ability to give directions (go front, back, right, left etc) by merely pointing fingers towards the direction in question. This can be done effortlessly without saying a word. However, mimicking or training a mobile robot to understand such gestures is still today an open problem to solve.
In the context of this thesis, we propose finger-pose based mobile robot navigation to maximize natural human-robot interaction. This could be achieved by observing the human fingers’ Cartesian  pose from an

RGB-D camera and translating it to the robot’s linear and angular velocity commands. For this, we will leverage computer vision algorithms and the ROS framework to achieve the objectives.
The prerequisite for this project are basic understanding of Python or C++ programming, OpenCV and ROS.

Tentative work plan

In the course of this thesis, the following concrete tasks will be focused on:

  • study the concept of visual navigation of mobile robots
  • develop a hand detection and tracking algorithm in Python or C++
  • apply the developed algorithm to navigate a simulated mobile robot
  • real-time experimentation
  • thesis writing


  1. Shuang Li, Jiaxi Jiang, Philipp Ruppel, Hongzhuo Liang, Xiaojian Ma,
    Norman Hendrich, Fuchun Sun, Jianwei Zhang,  “A Mobile Robot Hand-Arm Teleoperation System by Vision and IMU“,  IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),  October 25-29, 2020, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

M.Sc. Thesis – Stefan Maintinger: Map-based and map-less mobile navigation in crowded dynamic environments

Supervisor: Linus Nwankwo, M.Sc.;
Vedant Dave M.Sc.;
Univ.-Prof. Dr Elmar Rückert
Start date: 1st June 2023


Theoretical difficulty: mid
Practical difficulty: mid


For more than two decades now, the technique of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) has served as a cornerstone in achieving goals related to autonomous navigation.

The core essence of the SLAM problem lies in the creation of an environmental map while concurrently estimating the robot’s relative position to this map. This task is undertaken with the aid of sensor observations and control data, both of which are subject to noise.

In recent times, a shift towards a mapless-based approach employing deep reinforcement learning has emerged. In this innovative methodology, the agent, in this case a robot, learns the navigation policy. This learning process is driven solely by sensor data and control data, effectively bypassing the need for a prior map of the task environment. In the scope of this dissertation, we will conduct a comprehensive performance evaluation of both the traditional SLAM and the emerging mapless-based approach. We’ll utilize a dynamic, crowded environment as our test bed, and the open-source open-shuttle mobile robot with a differential drive will serve as our experimental subject.

Tentative Work Plan

To achieve our objective, the following concrete tasks will be focused on:

  • Literature research and field familiarization
    • Mobile robotics and industrial use cases
    • Overview of map-based autonomous navigation (SLAM & Path planning)
    • Overview of mapless-based autonomous navigation approach with deep reinforcement learning
  • Setup and familiarize with the simulation environment
    • Build the robot model (URDF) for the simulation (optional if you wish to use the existing one)
    • Setup the ROS framework for the simulation (Gazebo, Rviz)
    • Recommended programming tools: C++, Python, Matlab
  • Intermediate presentation:
    • Presenting the results of the literature study
    • Possibility to ask questions about the theoretical background
    • Detailed planning of the next steps
  • Define key performance/quality metrics for evaluation:
    • Time to reach the desired goal
    • Average/mean speed
    • Path smoothness
    • Obstacle avoidance/distance to obstacles
    • Computational requirement
    • Success rate
    • Other relevant parameters
  • Assessment and execution:
    • Compare the results from both map-based and map-less approaches on the above-defined evaluation metrics.
  • Validation:
    • Validate both approaches in a real-world scenario using our open-source open-shuttle mobile robot.
  • Furthermore, the following optional goals are planned:
    • Develop a hybrid approach combining both the map-based and the map-less methods.
  • M.Sc. thesis writing
  • Research paper writing (optional)

Related Work

[1] Xue, Honghu; Hein, Benedikt; Bakr, Mohamed; Schildbach, Georg; Abel, Bengt; Rueckert, Elmar, “Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Automatic Curriculum Learning for Mapless Navigation in Intralogistics“, In: Applied Sciences (MDPI), Special Issue on Intelligent Robotics, 2022.

[2] Han Hu; Kaicheng Zhang; Aaron Hao Tan; Michael Ruan; Christopher Agia; Goldie Nejat “Sim-to-Real Pipeline for Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robot Navigation in Cluttered Rough Terrain”,  IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ( Volume: 6, Issue: 4, October 2021).

[3] Md. A. K. Niloy; Anika Shama; Ripon K. Chakrabortty; Michael J. Ryan; Faisal R. Badal; Z. Tasneem; Md H. Ahamed; S. I. Mo, “Critical Design and Control Issues of Indoor Autonomous Mobile Robots: A Review”, IEEE Access ( Volume: 9), February 2021.

[4]  Ning Wang, Yabiao Wang, Yuming Zhao, Yong Wang and Zhigang Li , “Sim-to-Real: Mapless Navigation for USVs Using Deep Reinforcement Learning”, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 10, 895. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10070895

Micro – ROS Servo

CPS presents a guide to setup the communication between Micro – ROS and ROS2 and control multiple servos attached to a PWM/Servo Driver board. Therefor the installation of ROS2, the setup of a Micro – ROS workspace, the establishment of the communication with a custom message and the implementation of third party libraries as well as the usage of two different RTOS system will be described step for step.

By combining the power of Micro ROS Foxy, ESP32 and a PCA9685 board, this project provides a way of controlling multiple servos. The setup has been tested on a Linux Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS environment, allowing seamless communication and accurate servo positioning. The linked guide give some information about Micro – ROS and walks through the installation of ROS2, the setup of a Micro-ROS workspace, and the establishment of the communication between Micro-ROS and ROS2 using a custom message format called “ServoMessage”. Additionally, the guide covers the implementation of third-party libraries and the usage of two different RTOS systems. The code includes examples of how to use the Micro ROS Foxy framework to send and receive ServoMessages over the ROS2 network to control the attached servos. 



  • Micro USB Cable
  • ESP32 Developement Board
  • 2 x 4,7 kΩ resistors 
  • PCA9685 PWM/Servo Board
  • Servos
  • 5V Power Supply


Daniel Wagermaier, B.Sc.

Master Thesis Student at the Montanuniversität Leoben

Short bio: Daniel Wagermaier writes his master thesis at the chair of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). The title of the thesis is: ‘Improving fundamental metallurgical modelling using data-driven approaches.  

Research Interests

  • Machine and Deep Learning
  • Metallurgical Processes



Daniel Wagermaier, B.Sc
Master Thesis Student at the Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems
Montanuniversität Leoben
Franz-Josef-Straße 18, 
8700 Leoben, Austria 

Email: daniel.wagermaier@stud.unileoben.ac.at

Meeting Notes April 2023

Meeting 20/04


  • reviewing paper for IROS
  • working on CR-VAE paper
  • experiment for the SL competition

PhD Registration

  • waiting for Toussaint’s response
  • maybe contact other professors?
    • rudolf

M.Sc. Students/Interns

  • Iye Szin
    • SL competition; deadline May 1

ML Course

  • grades for assignment 2 out


  • Summer Schools
    • ProbAI accepted (registration until 26/04)
    • ETH & RLSS waiting list
  • May-June Leaves
    • 19 May
    • 30 May – 6 June
  • Move May 1 to May 10 vacation


Meeting 27/04


  • working on CR-VAE paper
  • image encoder for the SL competition

PhD Registration

  • Mentor: Rudolf Lioutikov
  • Application need signature from Rudolf

M.Sc. Students/Interns

  • Iye Szin
    • SL competition; deadline May 1

ML Course

  • Assignment 4: Regression


  • Summer Schools
    • Accepted:
      • M2LSS registered
      • ProbAI declined it
    • Rejected
      • ETH
      • RLSS
    • Applied:
      • LxMLS
      • Ellis Recommendation letter
  • internship application

Prof. Elmar Rueckert (Chair)

Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems

Portrait Prof. Dr. Rueckert Elmar, January 2018

Short bio: Since March 2021 is Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert the chair of the Cyber-Physical-Systems Institute at the Montanuniversität Leoben in Austria. He received his PhD in computer science at the Graz University of Technology in 2014 and worked for four years as senior researcher and research group leader at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Thereafter, he worked for three years as assistant professor at the University of Lübeck. His research interests include stochastic machine and deep learning, robotics and reinforcement learning and human motor control. In 2019, he was awarded with the ‘German Young Researcher Award’. 

Research Interests

  • Computational Modeling & Process Informatics: Cyber-Physical-Systems, Process Modeling in Metal Forming, Movement Decoding and Understanding, Brain- Computer-Interfaces, Electroencephalography, Spiking Neural Networks, Optimal Feedback Control, Muscle Synergies, Probabilistic Time-Series Models.
  • Machine & Deep Learning: Deep Networks, Graphical Models, Probabilistic Inference, Variational Inference, Gaussian Processes, Transfer Learning, Message Passing, Clustering, Bayesian Optimization, Lazy Learning, Genetic Programming, LSTMs.
  • Robotics: Stochastic Optimal Control, Movement Primitives, Reinforcement Learning, Imitation Learning, Morphological Computation, Quadruped Locomotion, Humanoid Postural Control, Grasping, Tactile Learning, Dynamic Control.
  • Human Motor Control & Science: Prosthesis Research & Rehabilitation, Motor Adaptation, Motor Skill Learning, Postural Control, Telepresence, Embodiment, Congruence in Teleoperation, Interactive Learning, Shared Control, Human Feedback.

Contact & Quick Links

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Elmar Rueckert
Leiter des Lehrstuhls für Cyber-Physical-Systems
Montanuniversität Leoben
Franz-Josef-Straße 18, 
8700 Leoben, Austria 

Phone:  +43 3842 402 – 1901 (Sekretariat CPS)
Email:   rueckert@ai-lab.science
Web:  https://cps.unileoben.ac.at

CV of Prof. Elmar Rueckert
Frontiers Network
Google Citations
Research Gate


Journal Articles

Trimmel, Simone; Spörl, Philipp; Haluza, Daniela; Lashin, Nagi; Meisel, Thomas C.; Pitha, Ulrike; Prohaska, Thomas; Puschenreiter, Markus; Rückert, Elmar; Spangl, Bernhard; Wiedenhofer, Dominik; Irrgeher, Johanna

Green and blue infrastructure as model system for emissions of technology-critical elements Journal Article

In: Science of The Total Environment, vol. 934, 2024, ISBN: 0048-9697, (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173364).

Links | BibTeX

Kunavar, Tjasa; Jamšek, Marko; Avila-Mireles, Edwin Johnatan; Rueckert, Elmar; Peternel, Luka; Babič., Jan

The Effects of Different Motor Teaching Strategies on Learning a Complex Motor Task Journal Article

In: Sensors (MDPI), vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 1–17, 2024.

Links | BibTeX

Nwankwo, Linus; Fritze, Clemens; Bartsch, Konrad; Rueckert, Elmar

ROMR: A ROS-based Open-source Mobile Robot Journal Article

In: HardwareX, vol. 15, pp. 1–29, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Herzog, Rebecca; Berger, Till M; Pauly, Martje Gesine; Xue, Honghu; Rueckert, Elmar; Munchau, Alexander; B"aumer, Tobias; Weissbach, Anne

Cerebellar transcranial current stimulation-an intraindividual comparison of different techniques Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022.

Links | BibTeX

Rottmann, Nils; Studt, Nico; Ernst, Floris; Rueckert, Elmar

ROS-Mobile: An Android™ application for the Robot Operating System Journal Article

In: Arxiv, 2022.

Links | BibTeX

Xue, Honghu; Hein, Benedikt; Bakr, Mohamed; Schildbach, Georg; Abel, Bengt; Rueckert, Elmar

Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Automatic Curriculum Learning for Mapless Navigation in Intralogistics Journal Article

In: Applied Sciences (MDPI), Special Issue on Intelligent Robotics, 2022, (Supplement: https://cloud.cps.unileoben.ac.at/index.php/s/Sj68rQewnkf4ppZ).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Xue, Honghu; Herzog, Rebecca; Berger, Till M.; Bäumer, Tobias; Weissbach, Anne; Rueckert, Elmar

Using Probabilistic Movement Primitives in analyzing human motion differences under Transcranial Current Stimulation Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Robotics and AI , vol. 8, 2021, ISSN: 2296-9144.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Tanneberg, Daniel; Ploeger, Kai; Rueckert, Elmar; Peters, Jan

SKID RAW: Skill Discovery from Raw Trajectories Journal Article

In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), pp. 1–8, 2021, ISSN: 2377-3766, (© 20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.).

Links | BibTeX

Jamsek, Marko; Kunavar, Tjasa; Bobek, Urban; Rueckert, Elmar; Babic, Jan

Predictive exoskeleton control for arm-motion augmentation based on probabilistic movement primitives combined with a flow controller Journal Article

In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), pp. 1–8, 2021, ISSN: 2377-3766, (© 20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.).

Links | BibTeX

Cansev, Mehmet Ege; Xue, Honghu; Rottmann, Nils; Bliek, Adna; Miller, Luke E.; Rueckert, Elmar; Beckerle, Philipp

Interactive Human-Robot Skill Transfer: A Review of Learning Methods and User Experience Journal Article

In: Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp. 1–28, 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Kyrarini, Maria; Lygerakis, Fotios; Rajavenkatanarayanan, Akilesh; Sevastopoulos, Christos; Nambiappan, Harish Ram; Chaitanya, Kodur Krishna; Babu, Ashwin Ramesh; Mathew, Joanne; Makedon, Fillia

A Survey of Robots in Healthcare Journal Article

In: Technologies, vol. 9, iss. 8, 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Rottmann, N.; Bruder, R.; Schweikard, A.; Rueckert, E.

A novel Chlorophyll Fluorescence based approach for Mowing Area Classification Journal Article

In: IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020.

Links | BibTeX

Tanneberg, Daniel; Rueckert, Elmar; Peters, Jan

Evolutionary training and abstraction yields algorithmic generalization of neural computers Journal Article

In: Nature Machine Intelligence, pp. 1–11, 2020.

Links | BibTeX

Cartoni, E.; Mannella, F.; Santucci, V. G.; Triesch, J.; Rueckert, E.; Baldassarre, G.

REAL-2019: Robot open-Ended Autonomous Learning competition Journal Article

In: Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol. 123, pp. 142-152, 2020, (NeurIPS 2019 Competition and Demonstration Track).

Links | BibTeX

Diakoloukas, Vassilios; Lygerakis, Fotios; Lagoudakis, Michail G; Kotti, Margarita

Variational Denoising Autoencoders and Least-Squares Policy Iteration for Statistical Dialogue Manager Journal Article

In: IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 27, pp. 960-964, 2020.

Links | BibTeX

Tanneberg, Daniel; Peters, Jan; Rueckert, Elmar

Intrinsic Motivation and Mental Replay enable Efficient Online Adaptation in Stochastic Recurrent Networks Journal Article

In: Neural Networks - Elsevier, vol. 109, pp. 67-80, 2019, ISBN: 0893-6080, (Impact Factor of 7.197 (2017)).

Links | BibTeX

Sosic, Adrian; Zoubir, Abdelhak M.; Rueckert, Elmar; Peters, Jan; Koeppl, Heinz

Inverse Reinforcement Learning via Nonparametric Spatio-Temporal Subgoal Modeling Journal Article

In: Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), vol. 19, no. 69, pp. 1-45, 2018.

Links | BibTeX

Paraschos, Alexandros; Rueckert, Elmar; Peters, Jan; Neumann, Gerhard

Probabilistic Movement Primitives under Unknown System Dynamics Journal Article

In: Advanced Robotics (ARJ), vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 297-310, 2018.

Links | BibTeX

Rueckert, Elmar; Camernik, Jernej; Peters, Jan; Babic, Jan

Probabilistic Movement Models Show that Postural Control Precedes and Predicts Volitional Motor Control Journal Article

In: Nature Publishing Group: Scientific Reports, vol. 6, no. 28455, 2016.

Links | BibTeX

Rueckert, Elmar; Kappel, David; Tanneberg, Daniel; Pecevski, Dejan; Peters, Jan

Recurrent Spiking Networks Solve Planning Tasks Journal Article

In: Nature Publishing Group: Scientific Reports, vol. 6, no. 21142, 2016.

Links | BibTeX

Rueckert, Elmar; d'Avella, Andrea

Learned parametrized dynamic movement primitives with shared synergies for controlling robotic and musculoskeletal systems Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, vol. 7, no. 138, 2013.

Links | BibTeX

Rueckert, Elmar; Neumann, Gerhard; Toussaint, Marc; Maass, Wolfgang

Learned graphical models for probabilistic planning provide a new class of movement primitives Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, vol. 6, no. 97, 2013.

Links | BibTeX

Rueckert, Elmar; Neumann, Gerhard

Stochastic Optimal Control Methods for Investigating the Power of Morphological Computation Journal Article

In: Artificial Life, vol. 19, no. 1, 2012.

Links | BibTeX


Lygerakis, Fotios; Dagioglou, Maria; Karkaletsis, Vangelis

Accelerating Human-Agent Collaborative Reinforcement Learning Conference

In Proceedings of the 14th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference (PETRA '21), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 90–92, 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Banerjee, Debapriya; Lygerakis, Fotios; Makedon, Fillia

Sequential Late Fusion Technique for Multi-modal Sentiment Analysis Conference

In Proceedings of the 14th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference (PETRA '21), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 264–265. , 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Lygerakis, Fotios; Tsitos, Athanasios C; Dagioglou, Maria; Makedon, Fillia; Karkaletsis, Vangelis

Evaluation of 3D markerless pose estimation accuracy using openpose and depth information from a single RGB-D camera Conference

In Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA '20), Article 75, 1–6 Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2020.

Links | BibTeX

Lygerakis, Fotios; Diakoloulas, Vassilios; Lagoudakis, Michail; Kotti, Margarita

Robust Belief State Space Representation for Statistical Dialogue Managers Using Deep Autoencoders Conference

2019 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU), 2019.

Links | BibTeX

Proceedings Articles

Lygerakis, Fotios; Dave, Vedant; Rueckert, Elmar

M2CURL: Sample-Efficient Multimodal Reinforcement Learning via Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Robotic Manipulation Proceedings Article

In: IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR 2024), IEEE 2024.

Links | BibTeX

Feith, Nikolaus; Rueckert, Elmar

Integrating Human Expertise in Continuous Spaces: A Novel Interactive Bayesian Optimization Framework with Preference Expected Improvement Proceedings Article

In: IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR 2024), IEEE 2024.

Links | BibTeX

Feith, Nikolaus; Rueckert, Elmar

Advancing Interactive Robot Learning: A User Interface Leveraging Mixed Reality and Dual Quaternions Proceedings Article

In: IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR 2024), IEEE 2024.

Links | BibTeX

Neubauer, Melanie; Rueckert, Elmar

Semi-Autonomous Fast Object Segmentation and Tracking Tool for Industrial Applications Proceedings Article

In: IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR 2024), IEEE 2024.

Links | BibTeX

Dave*, Vedant; Lygerakis*, Fotios; Rueckert, Elmar

Multimodal Visual-Tactile Representation Learning through Self-Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training Proceedings Article

In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024)., 2024, (* equal contribution).

Links | BibTeX

Nwankwo, Linus; Rueckert, Elmar

The Conversation is the Command: Interacting with Real-World Autonomous Robots Through Natural Language Proceedings Article

In: HRI '24: Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction., pp. 808–812, ACM/IEEE Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2024, ISBN: 9798400703232, (Published as late breaking results. Supplementary video: https://cloud.cps.unileoben.ac.at/index.php/s/fRE9XMosWDtJ339 ).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lygerakis, Fotios; Rueckert, Elmar

CR-VAE: Contrastive Regularization on Variational Autoencoders for Preventing Posterior Collapse Proceedings Article

In: Asian Conference of Artificial Intelligence Technology (ACAIT)., IEEE, 2023.

Links | BibTeX

Yadav, Harsh; Xue, Honghu; Rudall, Yan; Bakr, Mohamed; Hein, Benedikt; Rueckert, Elmar; Nguyen, Ngoc Thinh

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Mapless Navigation of Autonomous Mobile Robot Proceedings Article

In: International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), 2023, (October 11-13, 2023, Timisoara, Romania.).

Links | BibTeX

Nwankwo, Linus; Rueckert, Elmar

Understanding why SLAM algorithms fail in modern indoor environments Proceedings Article

In: International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD). , pp. 186 - 194, Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland., 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Keshavarz, Sahar; Vita, Petr; Rueckert, Elmar; Ortner, Ronald; Thonhauser, Gerhard

A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Real-Time Autonomous Decision-Making in Well Construction Proceedings Article

In: Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Symposium: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Shape the Future of the Energy Industry, AIS 2023, Society of Petroleum Engineers., 2023, ISBN: 9781613999882.

Links | BibTeX

Xue, Honghu; Song, Rui; Petzold, Julian; Hein, Benedikt; Hamann, Heiko; Rueckert, Elmar

End-To-End Deep Reinforcement Learning for First-Person Pedestrian Visual Navigation in Urban Environments Proceedings Article

In: International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2022), 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Dave, Vedant; Rueckert, Elmar

Predicting full-arm grasping motions from anticipated tactile responses Proceedings Article

In: International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2022), 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Leonel, Rozo*; Vedant, Dave*

Orientation Probabilistic Movement Primitives on Riemannian Manifolds Proceedings Article

In: Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), pp. 11, 2022, (* equal contribution).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Denz, R.; Demirci, R.; Cansev, E.; Bliek, A.; Beckerle, P.; Rueckert, E.; Rottmann, N.

A high-accuracy, low-budget Sensor Glove for Trajectory Model Learning Proceedings Article

In: International Conference on Advanced Robotics , pp. 7, 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Rottmann, N.; Denz, R.; Bruder, R.; Rueckert, E.

Probabilistic Approach for Complete Coverage Path Planning with low-cost Systems Proceedings Article

In: European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR 2021), 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Akbulut, M Tuluhan; Oztop, Erhan; Seker, M Yunus; Xue, Honghu; Tekden, Ahmet E; Ugur, Emre

ACNMP: Skill Transfer and Task Extrapolation through Learning from Demonstration and Reinforcement Learning via Representation Sharing Proceedings Article

In: 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Rottmann, N.; Bruder, R.; Schweikard, A.; Rueckert, E.

Exploiting Chlorophyll Fluorescense for Building Robust low-Cost Mowing Area Detectors Proceedings Article

In: IEEE SENSORS , pp. 1–4, 2020.

Links | BibTeX

Rottmann, N.; Kunavar, T.; Babič, J.; Peters, J.; Rueckert, E.

Learning Hierarchical Acquisition Functions for Bayesian Optimization Proceedings Article

In: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’ 2020), 2020.

Links | BibTeX

Rottmann, N.; Bruder, R.; Xue, H.; Schweikard, A.; Rueckert, E.

Parameter Optimization for Loop Closure Detection in Closed Environments Proceedings Article

In: Workshop Paper at the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 1–8, 2020.

Links | BibTeX

Tolga-Can Çallar, Elmar Rueckert; Böttger, Sven

Efficient Body Registration Using Single-View Range Imaging and Generic Shape Templates Proceedings Article

In: 54th Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (BMT 2020), 2020.

Links | BibTeX

Xue, H.; Boettger, S.; Rottmann, N.; Pandya, H.; Bruder, R.; Neumann, G.; Schweikard, A.; Rueckert, E.

Sample-Efficient Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolutional Strategy via Simulated Rollouts in Neural Networks Proceedings Article

In: International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI’ 2020), 2020.

Links | BibTeX

Stark, Svenja; Peters, Jan; Rueckert, Elmar

Experience Reuse with Probabilistic Movement Primitives Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2019., 2019.

Links | BibTeX

Boettger, S.; Callar, T. C.; Schweikard, A.; Rueckert, E.

Medical robotics simulation framework for application-specific optimal kinematics Proceedings Article

In: Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 2019, pp. 1–5, 2019.

Links | BibTeX

Rottmann, N.; Bruder, R.; Schweikard, A.; Rueckert, E.

Loop Closure Detection in Closed Environments Proceedings Article

In: European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR 2019), 2019, ISBN: 978-1-7281-3605-9.

Links | BibTeX

Rottmann, N.; Bruder, R.; Schweikard, A.; Rueckert, E.

Cataglyphis ant navigation strategies solve the global localization problem in robots with binary sensors Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS), Prague, Czech Republic , 2019, ( February 22-24, 2019).

Links | BibTeX

Rueckert, Elmar; Jauer, Philipp; Derksen, Alexander; Schweikard, Achim

Dynamic Control Strategies for Cable-Driven Master Slave Robots Proceedings Article

In: Keck, Tobias (Ed.): Proceedings on Minimally Invasive Surgery, Luebeck, Germany, 2019, (January 24-25, 2019).

Links | BibTeX

Gondaliya, Kaushikkumar D.; Peters, Jan; Rueckert, Elmar

Learning to Categorize Bug Reports with LSTM Networks Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle (VALID)., pp. 6, XPS (Xpert Publishing Services), Nice, France, 2018, ISBN: 978-1-61208-671-2, ( October 14-18, 2018).

Links | BibTeX

Rueckert, Elmar; Nakatenus, Moritz; Tosatto, Samuele; Peters, Jan

Learning Inverse Dynamics Models in O(n) time with LSTM networks Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS), 2017.

Links | BibTeX

Tanneberg, Daniel; Peters, Jan; Rueckert, Elmar

Efficient Online Adaptation with Stochastic Recurrent Neural Networks Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS), 2017.

Links | BibTeX

Stark, Svenja; Peters, Jan; Rueckert, Elmar

A Comparison of Distance Measures for Learning Nonparametric Motor Skill Libraries Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS), 2017.

Links | BibTeX

Thiem, Simon; Stark, Svenja; Tanneberg, Daniel; Peters, Jan; Rueckert, Elmar

Simulation of the underactuated Sake Robotics Gripper in V-REP Proceedings Article

In: Workshop at the International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS), 2017.

Links | BibTeX

Tanneberg, Daniel; Peters, Jan; Rueckert, Elmar

Online Learning with Stochastic Recurrent Neural Networks using Intrinsic Motivation Signals Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2017.

Links | BibTeX

Tanneberg, Daniel; Paraschos, Alexandros; Peters, Jan; Rueckert, Elmar

Deep Spiking Networks for Model-based Planning in Humanoids Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS), 2016.

Links | BibTeX

Azad, Morteza; Ortenzi, Valerio; Lin, Hsiu-Chin; Rueckert, Elmar; Mistry, Michael

Model Estimation and Control of Complaint Contact Normal Force Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS), 2016.

Links | BibTeX

Kohlschuetter, Jan; Peters, Jan; Rueckert, Elmar

Learning Probabilistic Features from EMG Data for Predicting Knee Abnormalities Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON), 2016.

Links | BibTeX

Modugno, Valerio; Neumann, Gerhard; Rueckert, Elmar; Oriolo, Giuseppe; Peters, Jan; Ivaldi, Serena

Learning soft task priorities for control of redundant robots Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016.

Links | BibTeX

Sharma, David; Tanneberg, Daniel; Grosse-Wentrup, Moritz; Peters, Jan; Rueckert, Elmar

Adaptive Training Strategies for BCIs Proceedings Article

In: Cybathlon Symposium, 2016.

Links | BibTeX

Weber, Paul; Rueckert, Elmar; Calandra, Roberto; Peters, Jan; Beckerle, Philipp

A Low-cost Sensor Glove with Vibrotactile Feedback and Multiple Finger Joint and Hand Motion Sensing for Human-Robot Interaction Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2016.

Links | BibTeX

Calandra, Roberto; Ivaldi, Serena; Deisenroth, Marc; Rueckert, Elmar; Peters, Jan

Learning Inverse Dynamics Models with Contacts Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015.

Links | BibTeX

Rueckert, Elmar; Mundo, Jan; Paraschos, Alexandros; Peters, Jan; Neumann, Gerhard

Extracting Low-Dimensional Control Variables for Movement Primitives Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015.

Links | BibTeX

Paraschos, Alexandros; Rueckert, Elmar; Peters, Jan; Neumann, Gerhard

Model-Free Probabilistic Movement Primitives for Physical Interaction Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015.

Links | BibTeX

Rueckert, Elmar; Lioutikov, Rudolf; Calandra, Roberto; Schmidt, Marius; Beckerle, Philipp; Peters, Jan

Low-cost Sensor Glove with Force Feedback for Learning from Demonstrations using Probabilistic Trajectory Representations Proceedings Article

In: ICRA 2015 Workshop on Tactile and force sensing for autonomous compliant intelligent robots, 2015.

Links | BibTeX

Rueckert, Elmar; Mindt, Max; Peters, Jan; Neumann, Gerhard

Robust Policy Updates for Stochastic Optimal Control Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS), 2014.

Links | BibTeX

Rueckert, Elmar; d'Avella, Andrea

Learned Muscle Synergies as Prior in Dynamical Systems for Controlling Bio-mechanical and Robotic Systems Proceedings Article

In: Abstracts of Neural Control of Movement Conference (NCM), Conference Talk, pp. 27–28, 2013.

Links | BibTeX

Rueckert, Elmar; Neumann, Gerhard

A study of Morphological Computation by using Probabilistic Inference for Motor Planning Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Morphological Computation (ICMC), pp. 51–53, 2011.

Links | BibTeX

Masters Theses

Rueckert, Elmar

Simultaneous localisation and mapping for mobile robots with recent sensor technologies Masters Thesis

Technical University Graz, 2010.

Links | BibTeX

PhD Theses

Rueckert, Elmar

Biologically inspired motor skill learning in robotics through probabilistic inference PhD Thesis

Technical University Graz, 2014.

Links | BibTeX


Dave, Vedant; Lygerakis, Fotios; Rueckert, Elmar

Multimodal Visual-Tactile Representation Learning through Self-Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training Proceedings Forthcoming

Forthcoming, (Website: https://sites.google.com/view/mvitac/home).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Nwankwo, Linus; Rueckert, Elmar

Multimodal Human-Autonomous Agents Interaction Using Pre-Trained Language and Visual Foundation Models Workshop

2024, ( In Workshop of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on HumanRobot Interaction (HRI ’24 Workshop), March 11–14, 2024, Boulder, CO, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Yadav, Harsh; Xue, Honghu; Rudall, Yan; Bakr, Mohamed; Hein, Benedikt; Rueckert, Elmar; Nguyen, Thinh

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Navigation in Intralogistics Workshop

2023, (European Control Conference (ECC) Workshop, Extended Abstract.).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Dave, Vedant; Rueckert, Elmar

Can we infer the full-arm manipulation skills from tactile targets? Workshop

International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2022), 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Track Record


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