Sign Language Robot Hand [M.Sc. Thesis/Int. CPS Project]


Human-Robot Interaction using Sign Language is a project that aims to revolutionize the way we communicate with machines. With the increasing use of robots in our daily lives, it is important to create a more natural and intuitive way for humans to communicate with them.

Sign language is a unique and powerful form of communication that is widely used by the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. By incorporating sign language into robot interaction, we can create a more inclusive and accessible technology for everyone.

Moreover, sign language will provide a new and innovative way to interact with robots, making it possible for people to control and communicate with them in a way that is both non-verbal and non-intrusive.

Note: This project is also offered as Internship position.

DALL·E 2023-02-09 17.32.48 - robot hand communicating with sign language

Thesis Description

The implementation of sign language in human-robot interaction will not only improve the user experience but will also advance the field of robotics and artificial intelligence. This project has the potential to bring about a new era of human-robot interaction, where machines and humans can communicate in a more natural and human-like way. Therefore, the Human-Robot Interaction using Sign Language project is a crucial step toward creating a more accessible and user-friendly technology for everyone.

This thesis will encompass three crucial elements. The first part will focus on recognizing human gestures in sign language through the development of deep learning methods utilizing a camera. The second part will involve programming a robotic hand to translate text back into gestures. Finally, the third part will bring together the first two components to create a seamless human-robot interaction framework using sign language.


  • Currently pursuing a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics or related fields.
  • Strong programming skills in Python
  • Experience with deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch or TensorFlow.
  • Experience working with robotics hardware
  • Knowledge of computer vision and image processing techniques
  • Good written and verbal communication skills in English.


If this project sounds like fun to you, please contact Fotios Lygerakis by email at fotios.lygerakis@unileoben.ac.at or simple visit us at our chair in the Metallurgie building, 1st floor.

Meeting Notes December 2022

Meeting 01/12


  • experiments with caltech 101
    • too small dataset. Network needs pretraining
    • too big bictures. problems with gpu memory when training and big storage space when saving models
  • refactor code to better scale for more evaluation techniques
  • reviewed XAI methods.
  • Further literature review for representation learning

MS Student Updates

  • Melanie
    • Image Segmentation on Steel Defect dataset
    • Next on: Deep Optical Flow

Other activities

  • Hololens 2 review
  • plan to publish the AR project as internship position
    • LinkedIn -> CPS page?
    • MUL
    • Emails
  • Share Christmas video with the public relations team of MUL
  • linked in account ->  page

Next on

  • do experiments for interpolating latent space
  • run experiments with more datasets
  • reconstruct the paper for
  • literature review on representation learning
  • seminar talk for latent space representation and explainability in neural networks, feature maps. organize meetings (1 paper per week)

Meeting 08/12



MS Student Updates

  • Melanie
    • Next on:

Other activities

  • PhD in Computer Science

Next on


Meeting on the 23th, November 2022

Location: Chair of CPS

Date & Time: 23rd Nov 2022

Participants: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert, DI Nikolaus Feith, BSc



  1. Update
  2. Future Steps

Top 1: Update

  • RH8D:
    • Finished the hardware interface, no more communication issues with the left hand.
    • Sample Position controller
  •  Webserver:
    • basics in websockets and js/css/html try outs
    • established connection with ROS2 via rosbridge
    • literature research on related work (shared control, webservers in robotics)
    • search for libraries to display dynamic plots (flot.js or dc.js)

Top 2: Future Steps


Maximilian Pettinger, B.Sc.

Student Assistant at the Montanuniversität Leoben


Short bio: Maximilian Pettinger, B.Sc started at CPS in November  2022.

Maximilian Pettinger is a master student in Polymer Engineering and bachelor student in Mechanical Engineering, both Montanuniversity Leoben. Prior to his master program he studied Polymer Engineering at the Montanuniversität Leoben, where he passed his Bachelor defense in January 2022. Furthermore, he is a member of the MotoStudent Team (MontanFactory Racing) of the University of Leoben.

Research Interests

  • Robotics, MicroROS, 



Maximilian Pettinger, B.Sc 
Student Assistent at the Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems
Montanuniversität Leoben
Franz-Josef-Straße 18, 
8700 Leoben, Austria 

Email:   maximilian.pettinger@stud.unileoben.ac.at

Unitree GO1


The video shows our Unitree GO1 robot at its first steps at CPS. This quadruped robot can locomote in rough terrain, autonomously avoids obstacles like stones or blocking barriers, and provides a large number of sensors for navigation and mapping research projects. 



  • Research videos using the robot will be presented here. 



  • Publications about the robot as well as related topics will be found here.

10.11.2022 – Innovative Research Discussion

Meeting notes on the 20th of October, 2022

Location: Chair of CPS

Date & Time: 10th November, 2022, 1:30 pm to 2:28 pm

Participants: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert, Linus Nwankwo, M.Sc.



  1. General Discussion
  2. Discussion on the data set from Privatklinik Graz
  3. Next action

General Discussion

  1.  New cards are added to the Deck app, check the ones that required actions.
  2.  There will be a ROS2 meeting with Nils by 5 pm on 11.11.2022.

Data-set from Privitklinik Graz

  1. Reproduce the failed experiments.

  2. Evaluate the S-PTAM and ORB-SLAM visual SLAM algorithms on the recorded data.

  3. Evaluate Hector SLAM and GMapping algorithms on the recorded dataset(s) with a limited field of view of the lidar data.

    • Remove 90° in the frontal direction
    • Remove 120° in the frontal direction
    • Remove 90 or 120° in the frontal and in the backwards direction

Do next

  1. Implement a filter node that filters out the noise from the data.
  2. Build the map from the hospital’s building plan (bp)

Meeting on the 16th, November 2022

Location: Chair of CPS

Date & Time: 5th Oct 2022

Participants: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert, DI Nikolaus Feith, BSc



  1. Update
  2. Future Steps

Top 1: Update

  • Literature search on Related work to Online Reinforcement Learning and Preference Learning was started
  •  Hardware interface for RH8D was implemented and needs to be tested now. Some issues with exceeding cycle time of the mainloop were found.

Top 2: Future Steps

  • Start working on webservices and ROS2
  • MP:
    • What do we need for kinestetic teaching, shared control etc.
    • Whiech Parameters are changed and how to display them
  • Start with simulation and not a real robot
  • GNN: for the future reimplementation of toy tasks and research whats new in this field or what is still left out
  •  RH8D: Try fixing the communication error with Vedant’s SDK
  • Webserver/Websockets:
    • What are requirements for the webserver/websocket to use it with ROS2 and shared control

Zoll / Imports / Exports

Für Exporte u. Importe aus dem Nicht-EU Ausland

  • Zollvorschriften: https://mydhl.express.dhl/at/de/help-and-support/customs-clearance-advice/customs-regulatory-updates.html
  • HAM. Code check: https://hs.e-to-china.com/

Importe / Exporte über die DHL

Hier sollen alle Daten vorab auf MyDHL+online eingetragen werden.

Hilfe gibte es hier

  • https://dhl-news.com/624-82NYR-FTBW2X-4YH5EJ-1/c.aspx

Ansprechperson MUL

Finanzbuchhaltung: Nadja Schulhofer (nadja.schulhofer@unileoben.ac.at).

04.11.2022 Meeting Notes

Meeting Details

Date: 3rd October 2022

Time : 08:30 – 09:00

Location : Chair of CPS, Montanuniverität Leoben

Participants: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert, Vedant Dave


  1. Extension idea formulation for Journal Paper
  2. Work on exploration and curiosity

Topic 1: Science Robotics Paper

  1. Bi-level Probabilistic Movement Primitives due to uneven error propagation in different stages.
  2. Read literature [1] and see if we find something.

Topic 3: Dynamic Exploration and Curiosity

  1. We got out baseline [2] and now we try to implement this paper.
  2. Try the same model on more complex environments and more out-of-box goals.
  3. In process, first implement [3].


  1. R. Lioutikov, G. Maeda, F. Veiga, K. Kersting and J. Peters, “Inducing Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars for the Sequencing of Movement Primitives,” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018, pp. 5651-5658, doi: 10.1109/ICRA.2018.8460190.
  2. Mendonca, Russell, et al. “Discovering and achieving goals via world models.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (2021): 24379-24391.
  3. Hafner, Danijar, et al. “Learning latent dynamics for planning from pixels.” International conference on machine learning. PMLR, 2019.

Next Meeting


Meeting Notes November 2022

Meeting 03/11​


  • Virtual machine setup & running experiments
    • speed is x3 slower than RTX 3090

Started working on

  • develop experiments with new dataset (Caltech101)
  • assess experiments
  • test transfer learning capabilities of CR-VAE

MS Students Updates

  • Melanie
    • Object Detection using Resnet
  • Julian
    • basic tutorials on ROS
    • Teleoperation of Turtlebot using PS5 controller
    • UR3 on ROS using MoveIt

Next on

  • description of caltech
  • talk with Konrad about the cluster
  • Update paper with correct results and send it to CVPR
  • Hyperparameter grid search experiments
  • literature review on representation learning
  • experiments with artificial datasets
  • develop methods
    • contrastive learning for spiking neural networks.
    • mode-seeking kl divergence


Meeting 11/11​


  • Updated draft of the CR-VAE paper.
  • Missed author registration deadline for CVPR >_<*
  • Run experiments with simple AE / CR-AE
  • Test if InfoMax objective actually works -> it doesn’t.
  • New implementation of the loss function
  • Tried input normalization and MSE for reconstruction error
  • Assess experiments
  • Hyperparameter grid search experiments for CR-VAE
  • Literature review on representation learning (review paper)
  • Going through ROS 2 documentation
  • Get acquanted with UR3

MS Students Updates

  • Melanie
    • Object Detection using Resnet
    • Next on: Image Segmentation
  • Julian
    • Teleoperation of Turtlebot using PS5 controller
    • Next on: UR3 on Gazebo using MoveIt

Other activities

  • Discussion with Sahar and Vedant about how Sahar could frame her Reinforcement learning research problem.

Next on

  • assess experiments from grid search with the new loss function
    • hopefully there will be some distinct difference of the 3 methods
  • further assess the value of MI as an auxilary task for unsupervised representation learnning
    • show that MI in InfoMax actually introduce noise
  • Denoising AE/CR-AE/VAE/CR-VAE with augmented images.
  • develop experiments with new dataset (Caltech101)
  • description of caltech
  • test transfer learning capabilities of CR-VAE
  • literature review on representation learning
  • experiments with artificial datasets
  • develop methods
    • contrastive learning for spiking neural networks.
    • mode-seeking kl divergence


Journal ideas

  • Find the best CL method for CR-VAE
  • Transfer learning


Meeting 17/11


  • gpu grid setbacks
  • caltech101 dataset
  • ROS2 refresh
  • new results

MS Students Updates

  • Melanie
    • Image Segmentation on Steel Defect dataset
    • Next on: Contrastive Learning
  • Julian
    • Sick
    • Next on: UR3 on Gazebo using MoveIt

Other activities

  • Study abroad fair speech

Next on

  • study the big performance gap in KLD between CR-VAE and VAE
  • further assess the value of MI as an auxilary task for unsupervised representation learnning
    • show that MI in InfoMax actually introduce noise
  • Denoising AE/CR-AE/VAE/CR-VAE with augmented images.
  • develop experiments with new dataset (Caltech101)
  • description of caltech
  • test transfer learning capabilities of CR-VAE
  • literature review on representation learning
  • experiments with artificial datasets
  • develop methods
    • contrastive learning for spiking neural networks.
    • mode-seeking kl divergence


Journal ideas

  • Find the best CL method for CR-VAE
  • Transfer learning
  • develop a contrastive regularization layer for NN

Meeting 23/11


  • AAAI paper submission update
    • received an email that the file was never uploaded even though I have a verification email. Still in the process of figuring out
  • new results on smaller architecture -> more distinct results

MS Students Updates

  • Melanie
    • Image Segmentation on Steel Defect dataset
    • Next on: Contrastive Learning
  • Julian
    • Dropped
    • Subject was not aligned with his program
    • working at the lab did not fit his schedule

Other activities

  • christmas & hololens 2 unboxing videos
  • storage place or display for PS5 controler, hololense, etc?
  • plan to publish the AR project as internship position
    • LinkedIn -> CPS page?
    • MUL
    • Emails

Next on

  • reconstruct the paper
  • caltech101 dataset
  • literature review on representation learning
  • Hololens 2 review
  • seminar talk for latent space representation and explainability in neural networks, feature maps. organize meetings (1 paper per week)

Meeting 30/11​


  • experiments with caltech 101
    • too small dataset. Network needs pretraining
    • too big bictures. problems with gpu memory when training and big storage space when saving models
  • refactor code to better scale for more evaluation techniques
  • reviewed XAI methods.
  • Further literature review for representation learning

MS Student Updates

  • Melanie
    • Image Segmentation on Steel Defect dataset
    • Next on: Deep Optical Flow

Other activities

  • Hololens 2 review
  • plan to publish the AR project as internship position
    • LinkedIn -> CPS page?
    • MUL
    • Emails
  • Share Christmas video with the public relations team of MUL
  • linked in account ->  page

Next on

  • do experiments for interpolating latent space
  • run experiments with more datasets
  • reconstruct the paper for
  • literature review on representation learning
  • seminar talk for latent space representation and explainability in neural networks, feature maps. organize meetings (1 paper per week)