Past Lectures
We list here past lectures, seminar courses and projects.
Reinforcement Learning (RO4100 T)
RAS Research Seminar
Probabilistic Machine Learning (RO5101 T)
Probabilistic Learning for Robotics (RO5601)
Humanoid Robotics Exercise (RO5300)
Humanoid Robotics (RO5300)
Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen (708.031)
190.013 Introduction to Machine Learning Lab (2SH P, SS)
190.012 Introduction to Machine Learning (2SH L, SS)
190.002 Cyber-Physical Systems Lab (2SH P, WS)
190.001 Cyber-Physical Systems (2SH L, WS)
150.000 MINT – Digital competencies (0.66SH P, WS)