
Conference Paper accepted at ECMR 2019

The paper by Nils Rottmann, Ralf Bruder, Achim Schweikard and Elmar Rueckert on “Loop Closure Detection in Closed Environments” was accepted for publication at the 2019 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR).

Conference Paper Accepted at IROS 2019

The paper by Svenja Stark, Jan Peters and Elmar Rueckert on “Experience Reuse with Probabilistic Movement Primitives” was accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019).

Gründungssitzung Grundlagen von KI Systemen

Fachausschusses FA1.60 zu Grundlagen lernender intelligenter Systeme,

Gründungsmitglieder: Barbara Hammer (Universität Bielefeld),

Elmar Rückert (gewählter Vorsitzender),

Georg Schildbach (Universität zu Lübeck),

Gerhard Neumann (Universität Tübingen),

Heinz Koeppl (Technische Universität Darmstadt),

Jan Peters (Technische Universität Darmstadt),

Justus Piater (Universität Innsbruck),

Kristian Kersting (Technische Universität Darmstadt),

Marc Toussaint (Universität Stuttgart),

Micheal Ginger (Honda Research, Offenbach),

Philipp Beckerle (Technische Universität Dortmund),

Philipp Rostalski (Universität zu Lübeck),

Tamim Asfour (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie).

Best Paper Award

for the paper: Learning to Categorize Bug Reports with LSTM Networks, by Gondaliya, Kaushikkumar D; Peters, Jan; Rueckert, Elmar.  In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle (VALID)., pp. 6, XPS (Xpert Publishing Services), Nice, France, 2018ISBN: 978-1-61208-671-2, ( October 14-18, 2018).

Conference paper accepted at BIOSIGNALS 2019

Rottmann, N; Bruder, R; Schweikard, A; Rueckert, E. (2019). Cataglyphis ant navigation strategies solve the global localization problem in robots with binary sensorsProceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS).

Journal Paper Accepted at Neural Networks

Daniel Tanneberg, Jan Peters, Elmar Rueckert

Intrinsic Motivation and Mental Replay enable Efficient Online Adaptation in Stochastic Recurrent Networks

accepted (Oct, 9th 2018) at Neural Networks – Elsevier with an Impact Factor of 7.197 (2017).

Conference paper accepted at VAILD 2018

Gondaliya, D. Kaushikkumar; Peters, J.; Rueckert, E. (2018). Learning to categorize bug reports with LSTM networks: An empirical study on thousands of real bug reports from a world leading software companyProceedings of the International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle (VALID).