Meeting 10/03
- Plan to participate in the air hockey challenge
- Literature review for the right model
PhD Registration
- todo: prepare Email
M.Sc. Students/Interns
- Iye Szin work plan
- Internship will lead to her thesis
ML Assistantship
- Syllabus
- Prepare exercises
ML Course
- Moodle to upload files (discussed)
- Link to latex for the report (done)
- No time to attend the research seminar, ML course takes too much of my time. (discussed)
- 2 days work from home 31.05 & 01.06
- Vacation 02.06 – 11.06
- Medium GPUs for WS in the lab (RTX 3060 or 3070)
Meeting 13/03
- Rebuttal
ML Course
- Assignment 1 preparation
Meeting 23/03
- respond to ICML Chairs about reviewer 1
- Searched for alternative conferences
- Literature review on SSL problems
- RL Revision
M.Sc. Students/Interns
- Iye Szin steady progress
Ph.D. registration
- Email send to Toussaint
ML Course
- Assignment 1 grades
- post pdf
- Summer School Applications
- Paper Review accepted for IROS 2023
- fill the form for IAS retreat
Meeting 30/03
- waiting for ICML final decision
- when out, I will compile the comments
- data augmentation influence on MI
- etc
- submit to
- ICVS ranking is C
- Next on: Dimensionality collapse in representation learning
- currently reading about it
- Air hockey challenge
- start with SAC
- continue with a model-based RL method, like world models
M.Sc. Students/Interns
- Iye Szin struggling with ROS2 but in a logical frame
Ph.D. registration
- Email sent to Toussaint. Waiting for responce
ML Course
- Assignment 3 is out
- Summer School Applications
- Paper Review for IROS 2023
- submitted the application for IAS retreat