Meeting Notes -Melanie-Prof Rueckert 22.07.2022 July 25, 2022October 6, 2022 Fotios Lygerakis notes_fotios Agenda Data / Visualization framework in PythonAPI framework/usage guidelinesinput formatoutput formatGui to inspect the data.Original Data viewsubsection view (using the rotated and subselected image parts).Slider to adjust the time.Play function.Replay speed adjustment.Basic statistics of the shown data (e.g. histogramms of the two images, min, max, mean, boxplots, number of blobs [1], …).Symmetry measurementsDevelop measures and visualization tools to detect asymmetries between the two images.Find examples of such asymmetries.Analyze them.Occlusion removalClassical CV approachLearning-based approach(De-Occlusion)Abnormality detectionThesis writing Topic 1: Data / Visualization framework in Python Deliverables due to Septemberuse pandas dataframe library Topic 2: Symmetry measurements Deliverables due to October:Develop automatic detection methods and selection tools for your guidancee.g., highlight these events in your time-line in the gui with red bars, or create a list of events that can be selected Topic 3: Occlusion removal Concerned about its appicability to this project. we cannot assume it will work with non-face dataIf we don’t know the dynamics of the liquid we cannot reconstruct maintaining the true underlying information.due to November Next Steps Abnormality detectiondue DecemberThesis writingdue January Next Meeting: TBA