

The Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems

The Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems at the Montanuniversität Leoben in Austria is headed by Prof. Elmar Rueckert.

The group’s research topics are autonomous systems, machine and deep learning, embedded smart sensing systems, and computational models.

Find out more about us here  (a recent post in German).

Or have a look at this presentation of our research.

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AI & Robotics Positions and Topics

The chair is offering a number of open positions and student thesis topics in AI and robotics.

Also check our wiki, which offers numerous public posts on open source code repositories or tutorials.

Latest news


October 20, 2020

Journal Paper accepted at IEEE Sensors Journal

Nils Rottmann, Ralf Bruder, Achim Schweikard, Elmar Rueckert A novel Chlorophyll Fluorescence based approach for Mowing Area Classification accepted (Oct, 12th 2020) at IEEE Sensors Journal with an Impact Factor of 3..Read More

August 28, 2020

Conference Paper Accepted at IEEE Sensors

The paper by  Nils Rottmann, Ralf Burder, Achim Schweikard und Elmar Rueckert on Exploiting Chlorophyll Fluorescense for Building Robust low-Cost Mowing Area Detectors was accepted for publication at the IEEE..Read More

July 16, 2020

Workshop accepted at IROS 2020

Our workshop on „New Horizons for Robot Learning“ was accepted at the  International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’ 2020). See https://iros.ai-lab.science

July 16, 2020

Conference Paper accepted at BMT2020

The paper by Tolga-Can Çallar, Elmar Rueckert and Sven Böttger on “Efficient Body Registration Using Single-View Range Imaging and Generic Shape Templates” was accepted for publication in the 54th Annual..Read More

July 9, 2020

Conference Paper accepted at IROS 2020

The paper by Nils Rottmann, Tjaša Kunavar, Jan Babič, Jan Peters and Elmar Rueckert on “Learning Hierarchical Acquisition Functions for Bayesian Optimization” was accepted for publication at the International Conference..Read More

June 23, 2020

Proceedings of Machine Learning Research Paper accepted

E. Cartoni, F. Mannella, V.G. Santucci, J. Triesch, E. Rueckert, G. Baldassarre. REAL-2019: Robot open-Ended Autonomous Learning competition. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 123:142-152, 2020. NeurIPS 2019 Competition and Demonstration..Read More

February 3, 2020

Conference Paper accepted at ASPAI 2020

The paper by Honghu Xue, Sven Boettger, Nils Rottmann, Harit Pandya, Ralf Bruder, Gerhard Neumann, Achim Schweikard and Elmar Rueckert on “Sample-Efficient Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolutional Strategy via Simulated Rollouts..Read More

December 3, 2019

Successful grant: DFG project with > 650kEURO granted

Together with Prof. Philipp Beckerle from the TU Dortmund, we got our research project on ‘Active transfer learning with neural networks through human-robot interactions’ granted.

August 26, 2019

Winner of the ’German AI-Young Research Price 2019’

Prof. Rueckert won the ’German AI-Young Researcher Price 2019’  (germ. deutscher KI-Nachwuchspreis 2019) by Bilanz & McKinsey – KI-Denker der Zukunft. The awards ceremony was on Sept. 26th, 2019. The..Read More

July 26, 2019

Advanced Robotics Best Paper Award

for the paper: Probabilistic Movement Primitives under Unknown System Dynamics, by Paraschos, Alexandros and Rueckert, Elmar and Peters, Jan and Neumann, Gerhard. Advanced Robotics (ARJ), 32 (6), pp. 297-310, 2018.

June 22, 2019

Conference Paper accepted at ECMR 2019

The paper by Nils Rottmann, Ralf Bruder, Achim Schweikard and Elmar Rueckert on “Loop Closure Detection in Closed Environments” was accepted for publication at the 2019 European Conference on Mobile Robots..Read More

June 20, 2019

Conference Paper Accepted at IROS 2019

The paper by Svenja Stark, Jan Peters and Elmar Rueckert on “Experience Reuse with Probabilistic Movement Primitives” was accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on..Read More

June 7, 2019

Successful grant: Autonome Elektrofahrzeuge als urbane Lieferanten

Das Projekt Autonome Elektrofahrzeuge als urbane Lieferanten wird im Rahmen des Programms „Our Common Future“ von der Robert Bosch Stiftung gefördert. Projektstart ist der 01.07.2019 bis 30.10.2021 More at: https://future.ai-lab.science

April 17, 2019

Gründungssitzung Grundlagen von KI Systemen

Fachausschusses FA1.60 zu Grundlagen lernender intelligenter Systeme, Gründungsmitglieder: Barbara Hammer (Universität Bielefeld), Elmar Rückert (gewählter Vorsitzender), Georg Schildbach (Universität zu Lübeck), Gerhard Neumann (Universität Tübingen), Heinz Koeppl (Technische Universität Darmstadt),..Read More

January 5, 2019

Best Paper Award

for the paper: Learning to Categorize Bug Reports with LSTM Networks, by Gondaliya, Kaushikkumar D; Peters, Jan; Rueckert, Elmar.  In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle (VALID)., pp…Read More

More news on Professor Rueckert’s page.