190.004 CPS Research Seminar II (2SH SE, WS)


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert is organizing this research seminar. Topics include research in AI, machine and deep learning, robotics, cyber-physical-systems and process informatics. 

English only

Are you an undergraduate,  graduate, or doctoral student and want to learn more about AI?

This course will give you the opportunity to listen to research presentations of latest achievements. The target audience are non-experts. Thus no prior knowledge in AI is required.

To get the ECTS credits, you will select a research paper, read it and present it within the research seminar (10-15 min presentation). Instead of selecting a paper of our list, you can also suggest a paper. This suggestion has to be discussed with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert first.

After the presentation, the paper is discussed for 10-15 min.

Further, external presenters that  are leading researchers in AI will be invited. External speakers will present their research in 30-45 min, followed by a 15 min discussion. 

Links and Resources

Location & Time

  • Location: HS Thermoprozesstechnik (HS TPT) with some exceptions, see the list of dates below.
  • Dates: On selected Wednesdays 12:15-14:00. Talks will be announced via MUOnline. Note: Therefore, it is important to register for the course.  

List of Talks and Dates

  • 25.10.2023 12:15 (HS TPT)
    • Tutorial: Björn Ellensohn, Docker and other Cloud Services for research and teaching.
  • 22.11.2023 12:15 (HS TPT)
    • Research Talk: Dr. Ozan Özdenizci (TU Graz), on robust and secure deep learning.

Available Research Papers to Select