
MU Online LV Anlegen, Kollisionen prüfen


  • Nextcloud Dokumente unter (interner NC Link):
  • Diese Beschreibung ist die Grundlage für die Dateneingabe im MUOnline. 
  • Inhalte in DE und EN.
  • Wichtig sind due Zuordnungen zu Pflichtfächern, Wahlpflichtfächern.
  • Wichtig sind die formalen Voraussetzungen.  

Die LV Beschreibung wird bei Bedarf an andere Lehrstühle verschickt und muss Fehlerfrei (Wochenstunden, ECTS, LV Typ, Titel, etc.) sein! 


Prüfen von Konflikten nach Studienplänen

Terminkonflikte mit anderen Pflicht- und Wahlpflichtfächern aus den zugeordneten Studiengängen (siehe LV Beschreibung oben) muss unbedingt vermieden werden. Alle Studierende sollen ihren Studienplan ohne Terminkollisionen umsetzen können.

Ausdrucken der Wochenstundenpläne nach Studiengang im MUOnline

Im MUOnline geht man wie folgt vor: 

  1. Nach der Anmeldung klickt man auf den Punkt Studies / Course Offer
  2.  Danach wählt man den relevanten Studiengang aus (hier im Bild ist es das Bachelor IDS Studium).

3. Als nächstes wählt man das Studienjahr und klickt auf Semesterplan.

4. Dann wählt man das zugehörige Semester aus und klickt auf das Kalendersymbol. Wichtig LVs die nur im Wintersemester stattfinden haben ungerade Semesterzahlen (1, 3, 5, …). 

5. Als nächstes müssen relevante Wochen ausgewählt werden. Dazu zuieht man das Semesterstartdatum heran.

  • Wintersemester: 1.Oktober
  • Sommersemster: 1.März

Wenn keine Einträge vorhanden sind, muss das Vorjahr ausgewählt werden. 

Wichtig ist mehrere Wochen zu betrachten um möglichst alle Terminkonflikte auszuschließen.  Unten sind 2 Beispiele für den Master Maschinenbau im Wintersemster. 

Prioritäten und Wahl eines geeigneten Termins

Aus den Wochenplänen erkennt man, dass z.B. Freitag ein ungünstiger Tag für eine neue LV wäre. 

Montag von 10:15 bis 12:00 würde gehen, aber es müssen noch alle anderen Semester und alle weiteren Studiengänge betrachtet werden. 

Es bietet sich an die Wochenpläne auszudrucken und auf einem Tisch auszulegen. Dann können Lücken gefunden werden. 


  • [Pflicht -> Pflicht] An erster Stelle stehen Konflikte mit anderen Pflichtfächern aus den Studiengängen in denen die neue LV auch ein Pflichtfach darstellt (Pflicht -> in den Klammern). 
    • Empfohlenes Semester
    • Danach alle weiteren Winter- oder Sommersemester
  • [Pflicht -> Wahlpflicht] Danach sollen Wahlpflichtfächer berücksichtigt werden. 
  • [Wahlpflicht -> Pflicht] Studiengängen in denen die neue LV ein Wahlpflichtfach darstellt.
  • [Wahlpflicht -> Wahlpflicht] WPF in  Studiengängen in denen die neue LV nur ein Wahlpflichtfach darstellt.

Oben ist die Auflistung einiger Wochenpläne für das Wintersemster, von oben nach unten und von links nach rechts, nach Prioritäten sortiert.

Hier gilt es nun 1-3 Terminslots mit möglichst wenigen Konflikten auszuwählen. 

Für diese 1-3 Termine müssen dann Räume gesucht werden. 

Abstimmen mit anderen Lehrstühlen:

  • Gerade die Lehrstühle für Maschinenbau und IDS sollen immer telefonisch oder per Email kontaktiert werden um den Wunschtermin abzusichern.  

Melanie Neubauer, M.Sc.

Ph.D. Student at the Montanuniversität Leoben

Hi! My Name is Melanie Neubauer and I started at the CPS-Chair in April 2023. 

I studied Industrial Logistics at the Montanuniversität Leoben, where I passed my  Master’s defense in March 2023.

In my doctoral work, I investigate  deep neural networks for image processing in cyber-physical-systems combined with inverse reinforcement learning techniques.

The title of my doctoral work is: Vision-based Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Research Interests

  • Cyber-Physical-Systems 
  • Robotics
  • Machine Learning


M.Sc. Melanie Neubauer
Doctoral Student supervised by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert since April 2023.
Montanuniversität Leoben
Franz-Josef-Straße 18, 
8700 Leoben, Austria 

Phone:  +43 3842 402 – 1901 (Sekretariat CPS)

Web Work: CPS-Page



Neubauer, Melanie; Rueckert, Elmar

Semi-Autonomous Fast Object Segmentation and Tracking Tool for Industrial Applications Proceedings Article

In: IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR 2024), IEEE 2024.

Links | BibTeX

Semi-Autonomous Fast Object Segmentation and Tracking Tool for Industrial Applications

B.Sc. Thesis – Marco Schwarz: Development of a generic ROS2 Device Interface based on Micro-ROS on a ESP32

Supervisor: DI Nikolaus Feith;
Konrad Bartsch;
Univ.-Prof. Dr Elmar Rückert
Start date: 8th Februar 2023


Theoretical difficulty: low
Practical difficulty: high


Modern IoT devices are powerful elements in complex Cyber-Physical-Systems (CPS). 


However, communicating with such microcontrollers can be challenging and often requires custom software and hardware interfaces. When working with many different devices, this can quickly become overwhelming. 

The goal of this thesis is to develop a generic hardware interface for the ESP32 microcontroller.

Individual hardware devices, sensors, and actuators can be integrated into a CPS through configuration files. Adjusting these files does not require in-depth hardware or software knowledge and allows rapid IoT development and integration via ROS 2.

The power of the generic ROS2 device interface is demonstrated in multiple use cases, e.g., the sensor glove with flex sensors, vibration motors and an IMU, or an ODrive motor controller board for mobile robots. 

Tentative Work Plan

To achieve our objective, the following concrete tasks will be focused on:

  • Assess the hardware and software requirements for the interfaces.
  • Literature research on related or existing generic ROS2 solutions.
  • Development of the generic software program. 
  • Use case evaluation of the interface for various devices. Assessment of the performance and limitations. 
  • Software documentation in the wiki of the git repository.
  • B.Sc. thesis writing
  • Research paper contribution with figures, results (optional).

Related Work

[R1] Dauphin, L., Baccelli, E., & Adjih, C. (2018, September). RIOT-ROS2: low-cost robots in IoT controlled via information-centric networking. In 2018 IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks (PEMWN) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

[R2] Barciś, M., Barciś, A., Tsiogkas, N., & Hellwagner, H. (2021). Information Distribution in Multi-Robot Systems: Generic, Utility-Aware Optimization Middleware. Frontiers in Robotics and AI8, 685105.

[R3] Jo, W., Kim, J., Wang, R., Pan, J., Senthilkumaran, R. K., & Min, B. C. (2022). Smartmbot: A ros2-based low-cost and open-source mobile robot platform. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.08903.

Tutorials and Documentations

[1] ESP32 Tutorials, last visited 09.02.2023,

[2] ESP32 Tutorials, last visited 09.02.2023,

[3] MAC OS Serial Driver, last visited 09.02.2023,

[4] ESP32 Datasheet, last visited 09.02.2023,

[5] ROS2 Documentation, last visited 09.02.2023,


PURE Datenbank

Ansprechperson an der MUL


Vergleich der Publikationen auf unserer Webpage den Publikationen in PURE. Fehlende Einträge müssen erstellt werden. 


Neuer Eintrag: Contribution to Journal

Etwas verwirrend mag die Kategorisierung sein. Alle unsere Arbeiten sind unter dem Hauptpunkt “Contribution to Journal” angesiedelt. 

  • Conference Article (our peer-reviewed conf., workshop and abstract papers)
  • Article (real journal articles)

Maximilian Pettinger, B.Sc.

Student Assistant at the Montanuniversität Leoben


Short bio: Maximilian Pettinger, B.Sc started at CPS in November  2022.

Maximilian Pettinger is a master student in Polymer Engineering and bachelor student in Mechanical Engineering, both Montanuniversity Leoben. Prior to his master program he studied Polymer Engineering at the Montanuniversität Leoben, where he passed his Bachelor defense in January 2022. Furthermore, he is a member of the MotoStudent Team (MontanFactory Racing) of the University of Leoben.

Research Interests

  • Robotics, MicroROS, 



Maximilian Pettinger, B.Sc 
Student Assistent at the Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems
Montanuniversität Leoben
Franz-Josef-Straße 18, 
8700 Leoben, Austria 


Unitree GO1

The video shows our Unitree GO1 robot at its first steps at CPS. This quadruped robot can locomote in rough terrain, autonomously avoids obstacles like stones or blocking barriers, and provides a large number of sensors for navigation and mapping research projects. 



  • Research videos using the robot will be presented here. 


  • Publications about the robot as well as related topics will be found here.

Zoll / Imports / Exports

Für Exporte u. Importe aus dem Nicht-EU Ausland

  • Zollvorschriften:
  • HAM. Code check:

Importe / Exporte über die DHL

Hier sollen alle Daten vorab auf MyDHL+online eingetragen werden.

Hilfe gibte es hier


Ansprechperson MUL

Finanzbuchhaltung: Nadja Schulhofer (

Vacations and Work from Home

General Workflows and Agreements

Find below some general descriptions of workflows and agreements for working at our chair.

For any further question, you can always ask the whole CPS team.

Vacation Application Process

Please follow the instructions below, when you apply for any vacation days. 
  1. Request my permission via email
    • Please always send me an email first, where you ask for my ok for your vacation plan. Otherwise, I will ignore any notifications from the SAP system.
    • Add Regina cc to the email

  2. Apply for vacations in the online SAP portal (
    • I will receive an automatic email notification and will approve your application.
    • Without my approval, your application is not granted.

  3. Add your vacation days to our “CPS Events” Calendar
    • All of you have write access to add your vacation days.  

Working from at Home

According to your work contract, you have to come to the office for work.

Exceptions based on eventually valid covid regulations will be communicated via emails from the president of the university.

Understanding the basics of privacy

Important Articles

Companies like Google collect and process your data

Google collects your data from many different sources. Here are some examples:

  • Gmail: Google can read and store information from every email you write and receive, including in the spam, draft, and trash folders.
  • Google Maps: Google saves every location you search, in addition to all the places you physically visit with your devices, even if you aren’t logged in. Are you using Waze instead? Google owns that too. The ubiquity of phones and our constant use of them makes them almost like tracking devices we carry around willingly.
  • Android devices: Because Android phones and tablets run on an operating system built by Google, the company can track which ads you’re shown while using your phone. Google also knows what time, down to the second, you open each app.
  • Google apps: The Google Play store records all your searches and downloads, as well as any rewards cards used. Google also tracks which articles you’ve read through Google News.
  • YouTube: Google acquired YouTube back in 2006. When you’re using YouTube, Google tracks your search history, your watch history, how long you spend watching videos, and all your comments and likes or dislikes.
  • Google Assistant: Every request you make and every question you pose is recorded — you can even listen to the audio playback.
  • G Suite: Your calendar shows where you’ll be and when, and Google Hangouts saves all of your conversations.

If you are interessted in which data Google has collected about you, test Google Takeout.

Recommendations: Browser, Search Engine & Online Docs

In our digital age, we have to be aware of the data collection strategies of all services that we use. However, often, alternatives  developed by the open-source community exist. Here are some recommendations:


Recommendations: Messenger & Repositories

  • I personally recommend: Nextcloud’s Talk App.
  • Setup your own repo server using, e.g., Gitea or Gitey.

Final remarks: Stay sensitive to what happens to your data. Nothing is for free.

Digital Competencies – Data Safety, Privacy and Content Search on the net

Getting started with Pytorch using Cuda acceleration

This tutorial gives an instruction on installing Cuda and enabling Cuda acceleration using Pytorch in Win10. Installation in Linux or Mac systems are all possible. An additional .py file will verify whether the current computer configuration uses the Cuda or not. The following instruction assumes that you have already installed Python IDE, e.g., Anaconda, Pycharm, Visual Studio…

Step 1: Check which Cuda version is supported by your current GPUs under this website. From the left figure, we can see that A100 supports Cuda 11.0. It is also reported from other blogs/ forums that A100 can support Cuda 11.1. In this post, we install Cuda 11.1.

Step 2: Download Nvidia Cuda Toolkit 11.1 (the same version as Cuda in Step 1) from the website. In Win10, for instance, we follow up the choice as shown right. The size of exe(local) is around 3.1GB. After downloading, run the .exe and perform installation. It may take some minutes to complete installation.

Step 3: On the homepage of Pytorch, choose the appropriate options as shown in the left figure. IMPORTANT: The cuda version must be the same as in Step 1. It is also recommended to use Stable version. After finishing the , copy the command into Anaconda Powershell Prompt or other command prompt where you install packages for Python. Waiting for the installation, which may require larger than 1GB disk space and takes some minutes for installation. You could also find historical version of Pytorch in that homepage.

Verify your installation with .py file

You could download a file and run it. If the result shows ‘cuda’, then you can enjoy the Cuda acceleration for training neural networks!

Using Multiple GPUs for further acceleration

Running Pytorch with Multiple GPUs can further increase the efficiency. We have 8 GPU cards and can be used parallely for training. Please refer to (1) (2) (3) for details.