Author: Elmar Rueckert
MATLAB Code of Probabilistic Movement Primitives for Motion Analysis
Matlab Code Link
Publication where the Code was used
2016 |
Rueckert, Elmar; Camernik, Jernej; Peters, Jan; Babic, Jan Probabilistic Movement Models Show that Postural Control Precedes and Predicts Volitional Motor Control Journal Article In: Nature Publishing Group: Scientific Reports, vol. 6, no. 28455, 2016. @article{Rueckert2016b, | ![]() |
MATLAB Code of Spiking Neural Networks for Robot Motion Planning
Matlab Code Link
Publication where the Code was used
2016 |
Rueckert, Elmar; Kappel, David; Tanneberg, Daniel; Pecevski, Dejan; Peters, Jan Recurrent Spiking Networks Solve Planning Tasks Journal Article In: Nature Publishing Group: Scientific Reports, vol. 6, no. 21142, 2016. @article{Rueckert2016a, | ![]() |
Stochastic Neural Networks for Robot Motion Planning
Link to the file
You may use this video for research and teaching purposes. Please cite the Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems or the corresponding research paper.
2016 |
Tanneberg, Daniel; Paraschos, Alexandros; Peters, Jan; Rueckert, Elmar Deep Spiking Networks for Model-based Planning in Humanoids Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS), 2016. @inproceedings{tanneberg_humanoids16, | ![]() |
Rueckert, Elmar; Kappel, David; Tanneberg, Daniel; Pecevski, Dejan; Peters, Jan Recurrent Spiking Networks Solve Planning Tasks Journal Article In: Nature Publishing Group: Scientific Reports, vol. 6, no. 21142, 2016. @article{Rueckert2016a, | ![]() |
Learning Bimanual Manipulation Primitives
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You may use this video for research and teaching purposes. Please cite the Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems or the corresponding research paper.
Learning Multimodal Solutions with Movement Primitives
Link to the file
You may use this video for research and teaching purposes. Please cite the Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems or the corresponding research paper.
2015 |
Rueckert, Elmar; Mundo, Jan; Paraschos, Alexandros; Peters, Jan; Neumann, Gerhard Extracting Low-Dimensional Control Variables for Movement Primitives Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015. @inproceedings{Rueckert2015, | ![]() |
Dynamic Control of a CableBot
Building a CableBot and Learning the Dynamics Model and the Controller

Controlling cable driven master slave robots is a challenging task. Fast and precise motion planning requires stabilizing struts which are disruptive elements in robot-assisted surgeries. In this work, we study parallel kinematics with an active deceleration mechanism that does not require any hindering struts for stabilization.
Reinforcement learning is used to learn control gains and model parameters which allow for fast and precise robot motions without overshooting. The developed mechanical design as well as the controller optimization framework through learning can improve the motion and tracking performance of many widely used cable-driven master slave robots in surgical robotics.
Project Consortium
- Montanuniversität Leoben
Related Work
H Yuan, E Courteille, D Deblaise (2015). Static and dynamic stiffness analyses of cable-driven parallel robots with non-negligible cable mass and elasticity, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2015 – Elsevier, link.
MA Khosravi, HD Taghirad (2011). Dynamic analysis and control of cable driven robots with elastic cables, Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering 35.4 (2011): 543-557, link.
2019 |
Rueckert, Elmar; Jauer, Philipp; Derksen, Alexander; Schweikard, Achim Dynamic Control Strategies for Cable-Driven Master Slave Robots Proceedings Article In: Keck, Tobias (Ed.): Proceedings on Minimally Invasive Surgery, Luebeck, Germany, 2019, (January 24-25, 2019). @inproceedings{Rueckert2019c, | ![]() |
Active transfer learning with neural networks through human-robot interactions (TRAIN)
DFG Project 07/2020-01/2025

In our vision, autonomous robots are interacting with humans at industrial sites, in health care, or at our homes managing the household. From a technical perspective, all these application domains require that robots process large amounts of data of noisy sensor observations during the execution of thousands of different motor and manipulation skills. From the perspective of many users, programming these skills manually or using recent learning approaches, which are mostly operable only by experts, will not be feasible to use intelligent autonomous systems in tasks of everyday life.
In this project, we aim at improving robot skill learning with deep networks considering human feedback and guidance. The human teacher is rating different transfer learning strategies in the artificial neural network to improve the learning of novel skills by optimally exploiting existing encoded knowledge. Neural networks are ideally suited for this task as we can gradually increase the number of transferred parameters and can even transition between the transfer of task specific knowledge to abstract features encoded in deeper layers. To consider this systematically, we evaluate subjective feedback and physiological data from user experiments and elaborate assessment criteria that enable the development of human-oriented transfer learning methods. In two main experiments, we first investigate how users experience transfer learning and then examine the influence of shared autonomy of humans and robots. This will result in a methodical robot skill learning framework that adapts to the users’ needs, e.g., by adjusting the degree of autonomy of the robot to laymen requirements. Even though we evaluate the learning framework focusing on pick and place tasks with anthropomorphic robot arms, our results will be transferable to a broad range of human-robot interaction scenarios including collaborative manipulation tasks in production and assembly, but also for designing advanced controls for rehabilitation and household robots.
Project Consortium
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Montanuniversität Leoben
Details on the research project can be found on the project webpage.
2021 |
Tanneberg, Daniel; Ploeger, Kai; Rueckert, Elmar; Peters, Jan SKID RAW: Skill Discovery from Raw Trajectories Journal Article In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), pp. 1–8, 2021, ISSN: 2377-3766, (© 20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.). @article{Tanneberg2021, | ![]() |
Jamsek, Marko; Kunavar, Tjasa; Bobek, Urban; Rueckert, Elmar; Babic, Jan Predictive exoskeleton control for arm-motion augmentation based on probabilistic movement primitives combined with a flow controller Journal Article In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), pp. 1–8, 2021, ISSN: 2377-3766, (© 20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.). @article{Jamsek2021, | ![]() |
Cansev, Mehmet Ege; Xue, Honghu; Rottmann, Nils; Bliek, Adna; Miller, Luke E.; Rueckert, Elmar; Beckerle, Philipp Interactive Human-Robot Skill Transfer: A Review of Learning Methods and User Experience Journal Article In: Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp. 1–28, 2021. @article{Cansev2021, | ![]() |
2020 |
Rottmann, N.; Kunavar, T.; Babič, J.; Peters, J.; Rueckert, E. Learning Hierarchical Acquisition Functions for Bayesian Optimization Proceedings Article In: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’ 2020), 2020. @inproceedings{Rottmann2020HiBO, | ![]() |
Xue, H.; Boettger, S.; Rottmann, N.; Pandya, H.; Bruder, R.; Neumann, G.; Schweikard, A.; Rueckert, E. Sample-Efficient Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolutional Strategy via Simulated Rollouts in Neural Networks Proceedings Article In: International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI’ 2020), 2020. @inproceedings{Xue2020, | ![]() |
Vedant Dave, M.Sc.
Ph.D. Student at the Montanuniversität Leoben

Short bio: Mr. Vedant Dave started at CPS on 23rd September 2021.
He received his Master degree in Automation and Robotics from Technische Universität Dortmund in 2021 with the study focus on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. His thesis was entitled “Model-agnostic Reinforcement Learning Solution for Autonomous Programming of Robotic Motion”, which took place at at Mercedes-Benz AG. In the thesis, he implemented Reinforcement learning for the motion planning of manipulators in complex environments. Before that, he did his Research internship at Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, where he worked on Probabilistic Movement Primitives on Riemannian Manifolds.
Research Interests
- Information Theoretic Reinforcement Learning
- Curiosity and Empowerment
- Multimodal learning for Robotics
- Movement Primitives
Research Videos
Contact & Quick Links
M.Sc. Vedant Dave
Doctoral Student supervised by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert.
Montanuniversität Leoben
Franz-Josef-Straße 18,
8700 Leoben, Austria
Phone: +43 3842 402 – 1903
Web Work: CPS-Page
Personal Website
Google Citations
Research Gate
2025 |
Dave, Vedant; Rueckert, Elmar Skill Disentanglement in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Proceedings Article In: In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2025. @inproceedings{Dave2025bb, | ![]() |
2024 |
Lygerakis, Fotios; Dave, Vedant; Rueckert, Elmar M2CURL: Sample-Efficient Multimodal Reinforcement Learning via Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Robotic Manipulation Proceedings Article In: IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR 2024), IEEE 2024. @inproceedings{Lygerakis2024, | ![]() |
Dave*, Vedant; Lygerakis*, Fotios; Rueckert, Elmar Multimodal Visual-Tactile Representation Learning through Self-Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training Proceedings Article In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024)., 2024, (* equal contribution). @inproceedings{Dave2024b, | ![]() |
2022 |
Dave, Vedant; Rueckert, Elmar Can we infer the full-arm manipulation skills from tactile targets? Workshop International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2022), 2022. @workshop{Dave2022WS, Tactile sensing provides significant information about the state of the environment for performing manipulation tasks. Manipulation skills depends on the desired initial contact points between the object and the end-effector. Based on physical properties of the object, this contact results into distinct tactile responses. We propose Tactile Probabilistic Movement Primitives (TacProMPs), to learn a highly non-linear relationship between the desired tactile responses and the full-arm movement, where we condition solely on the tactile responses to infer the complex manipulation skills. We use a Gaussian mixture model of primitives to address the multimodality in demonstrations. We demonstrate the performance of our method in challenging real-world scenarios. | ![]() |
Dave, Vedant; Rueckert, Elmar Predicting full-arm grasping motions from anticipated tactile responses Proceedings Article In: International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2022), 2022. @inproceedings{Dave2022, Tactile sensing provides significant information about the state of the environment for performing manipulation tasks. Depending on the physical properties of the object, manipulation tasks can exhibit large variation in their movements. For a grasping task, the movement of the arm and of the end effector varies depending on different points of contact on the object, especially if the object is non-homogeneous in hardness and/or has an uneven geometry. In this paper, we propose Tactile Probabilistic Movement Primitives (TacProMPs), to learn a highly non-linear relationship between the desired tactile responses and the full-arm movement. We solely condition on the tactile responses to infer the complex manipulation skills. We formulate a joint trajectory of full-arm joints with tactile data, leverage the model to condition on the desired tactile response from the non-homogeneous object and infer the full-arm (7-dof panda arm and 19-dof gripper hand) motion. We use a Gaussian Mixture Model of primitives to address the multimodality in demonstrations. We also show that the measurement noise adjustment must be taken into account due to multiple systems working in collaboration. We validate and show the robustness of the approach through two experiments. First, we consider an object with non-uniform hardness. Grasping from different locations require different motion, and results into different tactile responses. Second, we have an object with homogeneous hardness, but we grasp it with widely varying grasping configurations. Our result shows that TacProMPs can successfully model complex multimodal skills and generalise to new situations. | ![]() |
Leonel, Rozo*; Vedant, Dave* Orientation Probabilistic Movement Primitives on Riemannian Manifolds Proceedings Article In: Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), pp. 11, 2022, (* equal contribution). @inproceedings{Leonel2022, Learning complex robot motions necessarily demands to have models that are able to encode and retrieve full-pose trajectories when tasks are defined in operational spaces. Probabilistic movement primitives (ProMPs) stand out as a principled approach that models trajectory distributions learned from demonstrations. ProMPs allow for trajectory modulation and blending to achieve better generalization to novel situations. However, when ProMPs are employed in operational space, their original formulation does not directly apply to full-pose movements including rotational trajectories described by quaternions. This paper proposes a Riemannian formulation of ProMPs that enables encoding and retrieving of quaternion trajectories. Our method builds on Riemannian manifold theory, and exploits multilinear geodesic regression for estimating the ProMPs parameters. This novel approach makes ProMPs a suitable model for learning complex full-pose robot motion patterns. Riemannian ProMPs are tested on toy examples to illustrate their workflow, and on real learning-from-demonstration experiments. | ![]() |