
Internship Positions – Just contact us!

Please contact us via if you want to join us for an internship.

We support you when you apply for an internship grant. Below we list some relevant grant application details.

CEEPUS grant (European for undergrads and graduates)

Find details on the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies program at or at

Country of origin

Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Czech Republic; Hungary; Kosovo; Moldova – Republic of; Montenegro; North Macedonia; Poland; Romania; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia


1 to 10 months. Undergraduates need to stay at least 3 months. 

Grant benefit paid

For students and graduates without PhD EUR 1050 per month. For teachers with a PhD at most EUR 1150.

Application Deadlines and Online Application Link

Apply online at

In principle, you can apply at any time for a scholarship. However, also your country of origin matters and there exist networks of several countries that have their own contingent. 

Ernst Mach Grant (Worldwide for PhDs and Seniors)

Country of origin



1 to 9 months.

Grant benefit paid

For PhD students EUR 1050 and for senior researcher EUR 1150 per month

Application Deadlines and Online Application Link

Apply online at

Max. age is 35 years. Forthcoming closing date for applicants is 01.02.2022. However, note that due to the pandemic applications may be processed at any time. 

Development of an accurate low-cost sensor glove for learning grasping skills


Link to the file

You may use this video for research and teaching purposes. Please cite the Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems or the corresponding research paper. 



Denz, R.; Demirci, R.; Cansev, E.; Bliek, A.; Beckerle, P.; Rueckert, E.; Rottmann, N.

A high-accuracy, low-budget Sensor Glove for Trajectory Model Learning Proceedings Article

In: International Conference on Advanced Robotics , pp. 7, 2021.

Links | BibTeX

A high-accuracy, low-budget Sensor Glove for Trajectory Model Learning

Univ.-Prof. Rückert about Artificial Intelligence in the new STADT MAGAZIN 2021

Print Media Article in Leoben's STADT MAGAZIN 2021

Further Links and Description

Article in Stadt Magazin comes with title: Artificial Intelligence. It features Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Elmar Rueckert in the tenth edition of 10/21 print.

Article is available for online reading. Every reader can find it under the following link. Alternatively, reader can access via article picture. Simply click on the picture displayed in this post.

Finally, the section dedicated to Univ.-Prof. Rueckert is captured on the tenth page of Stadt Magazin 10/21.

Meeting notes 08.10.2021

VISA D Gainful Employment

Prof. Elmar told me to contact the Austrian embassy in Moscow to ask about the “VISA D Gainful Employment”, what are the required documents, and when can I get the visa.

This visa type should allow me to start working immediately without any delay.

RL Simulator

  • Game simulator on Gitlab written in C/C++
    • I should get access to the repository
    • Read the code of the simulator
    • Start applying a basic RL agent on the player
    • with time we should improve the RL algorithms
    • The main idea is to transfer the learned policy in a nonheuristic manner to new environments with different parameters.
    • Start reading about preference learning.
  • Future possibilities:
    • Apply our algorithm on other environments.
    • Apply our algorithm on physical systems.

Konrad Bartsch (Technician)


Short bio: Mr. Bartsch joined the CPS team in Nov. 2021. Before that, he worked as an educator in mechanical engineering, metal machining, and CAD at the education center Leoben (BFI Leoben).

On the 1st of July 2022, Mr. Bartsch completed his education at the technical high school in the fields of electronic data processing, network technology, and telecommunications.

At the chair of CPS, Mr. Bartsch develops robotic systems, electronics, mechanical designs, and complex embedded systems. He is further responsible for our technical infrastructure including our computing clusters and cloud server architectures. 

Mr. Bartsch is the educator of our apprentice Mr. Obermayer

Research Interests

  • Cloud Computing & Server Architectures
  • Development of Robotic Systems 
  • 3D Modeling / CAD Designe 
  • Metal Machining/Cutting 


Mr. Konrad Bartsch
Techniker des Lehrstuhls für Cyber-Physical-Systems
Montanuniversität Leoben
Franz-Josef-Straße 18, 
8700 Leoben, Austria 

Phone:  +43 3842 402 – 1904