
2 PhD Positions – December 1st 2021, DFG-Train-Project

We offer two positions for fully employed Doctoral Students at the Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems starting as soon as possible. The contract is initially limited till 30.06.2023 with the option of extension by another 30 months. Salary Group B1 to Uni-KV, monthly minimum charge excl. SZ.: € 2.971,50 for 40 hours per week (14 times a year), actual classification takes place according to accountable activity-specific previous experience.

Job Description

Within the research project TRAIN we are looking for  highly motivated students with experience in one of the fields robotics, reinforcement learning, machine learning or computational neuroscience.
The students will investigate novel transfer learning strategies of robot manipulation tasks that can be learned from human demonstrations and corrections. The methods include probabilistic deep learning, stochastic neural networks and probabilisitic inference approaches. The target evaluation platform is a compliant robot arm FRANKA EMIKA equipped with a five finger hand and tactile sensors.

The positions provide the possibility of gaining a PhD degree.

What we offer

The opportunity to work on research ideas of exciting modern topics in artificial intelligence and robotics, to develop your own ideas, to be part of a young and newly formed team, to go on international research trips, and to receive targeted career guidance for a successful scientific career.


Completed master’s degree in computer science, physics, telematics, statistics, mathematics, electrical engineering, mechanics, robotics or an equivalent education in the sense of the desired qualification. Willingness and ability for scientific work in research including publications with the possibility to write a dissertation.

Desired additional qualifications

Programming experience in one of the languages C, C++, C#, JAVA, Matlab, Python or similar is beneficial. Experience with Linux or ROS is advantageous. Good English skills and willingness to travel for research and to give technical presentations.

Application & Materials

A complete application includes a (1) detailed curriculum vitae, (2) a letter of motivation, (3) the master’s thesis as PDF file or link, (4) all relevant certificates of prior education for bachelor’s and master’s studies. The following documents will be considered in favor of the candidate. They are however not mandatory. (5) letter(s) of recommendation(s), (6) name, email and phone number of additional references to contact, (7) previous publications as PDFs or links (e.g. from M.Sc. studies).

Application deadline: Open until the position is filled.

Online Application via Email: Please send your application files to

The Montanuniversität Leoben intends to increase the number of women on its faculty and therefore specifically invites applications by women. Among equally qualified applicants women will receive preferential consideration.

1 Lab Technician – June 30th 2021, RefID: 2108APA

1 position for a fully employed Lab Technician at the Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems on the Department of Product Engineering at the earliest possible date or beginning on 15th of June. in a 1-year term of employment with the option of extension in a permanent position. Salary Group 3A to Uni-KV, monthly minimum charge excl. SZ.: € 2.147,30 for 40 hours per week (14 times a year).

Job Description

The tasks include setting up PCs, installing and maintaining operating systems, maintaining GitHub repositories and our webpage and content management systems. Installing robotic hardware (e.g., FRANKA Emika robot arms), recording and editing robotic videos, working with the modern robotic and machine learning tools.

What we offer

Being part of a young research team, helping creating a new lab environment. Versatile tasks including working with modern or self-build robotic and machine learning systems. Full time position with the option of an open-ended contract.


Completed technical high school with an university entrance qualification or equivalent education (in german: HTL Absolvent mit Maturaabschluß).
We require self-motivation, independence, problem solving oriented thinking, technical interests in computer science topics, reliability and sociability or the ability to work in a team.

Application & Materials

Details to the application process will be published soon.

Application deadline: September 30th, 2021

Online Application via: Montanuniversität Leoben Webpage (search for 2108APA)

The Montanuniversitaet Leoben intends to increase the number of women on its faculty and therefore specifically invites applications by women. Among equally qualified applicants women will receive preferential consideration.

1 Research Group Leader / Senior Researcher, 2302WPD

One vacant position for a full-time senior scientist (m/f/d) at the Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems, in the Department Product Engineering – Start at the earliest possible date in an employment contract limited to three years with the option of extension in a permanent employment relationship. Salary Group B1 according to the Uni-KV, monthly minimum salary excl. Szlg.: € 4.351,90 for 40 hours per week
(14 x).

Job Description

The research topics of the group are autonomous systems, machine and deep learning, embedded smart sensing systems, and computational models. The Senior Scientist will work on one of these topics (or combinations thereof), with a focus developed collaboratively based on the candidate’s prior experience. The researcher will additionally be involved in teaching (e.g., student mentoring), project management, and grant applications

What we offer

We offer a research position in fascinating fields with the opportunity to develop your own ideas and implement them independently. In addition, the researcher is part of a young and newly formed team, learns and assumes leadership responsibility with coaching sessions, and receives targeted career counseling for a successful scientific career.


Degree in computer science, computer engineering, physics, telematics, electrical engineering, mechanics, robotics, or equivalent related to machine learning or robotics with PhD. Experience in at least one of the topics related to machine learning, image processing, neural networks, robot learning or learning sensor systems, demonstrated by publications in international conferences (e.g., RSS, ICRA, IROS or ICML, IJCAI, AAAI, NIPS, AISTATS) and journals (e.g., AURO, TRo, IJRR or JMLR, MLJ, Neural Computation). Ability to work in a team, sociability, self-motivation, interest in group leadership, very good English skills and reliability are expected.

Desired additional qualifications

Experience in soliciting external funding or industry collaboration experience is a plus.

Application & Materials

An application includes a detailed curriculum vitae with a list of all publications.

Application deadline: 07.06.2023

Online Application via: Email ( and via the Job portal of the university (2305WPB).

The Montanuniversitaet Leoben intends to increase the number of women on its faculty and therefore specifically invites applications by women. Among equally qualified applicants women will receive preferential consideration. Scientific experience demonstrated through publications in international conferences and journals on machine learning, neural networks, robotics, or embedded systems. Good team-leading skills and the ambition to supervise doctoral students. Experience in obtaining external funding and in collaborating with industrial partners is advantageous but not a requirement. Excellent English skills and willingness to travel for research and to give technical presentations are required.

3 PhD Positions – June 30th 2021, RefID: 2103WPW

3 positions for fully employed University Assistant’s at the Chair of Cyber-Physical-Systems on the Department of Product Engineering at the earliest possible date or beginning on 15th of June in a 4-year term of employment. Salary Group B1 to Uni-KV, monthly minimum charge excl. SZ.: € 2.971,50 for 40 hours per week (14 times a year), actual classification takes place according to accountable activity-specific previous experience.

The following doctoral theses are available:

Fundamentals of learning methods for autonomous systems.

The goal is to make autonomous learning systems such as industrial robot arms, humanoid or mobile robots suitable for everyday use. To achieve this, large amounts of data must be processed in a few milliseconds (Big Data for Control) and efficient learning methods must be developed. In addition, safe human-machine interaction must be ensured when dealing with the autonomous systems. For this purpose, novel stochastic motion learning methods and model representations for compliant humanoid robots will be developed.

Fundamentals of stochastic neural networks.

Modern deep neural networks can process large amounts of data and calculate complex predictions. These methods are also increasingly used in autonomous systems. A major challenge here is to integrate measurement and model uncertainties in the calculations and predictions. For this purpose, novel neural networks will be developed that are based on stochastic computations that enrich predictions with uncertainty estimations. The neural networks will be used in learning tasks with robotic arms.

Robot learning with embedded systems.

Modern robot systems are equipped with complex sensors and actuators. However, they lack the necessary control and learning methods to solve versatile tasks. The goal of this thesis is to develop novel AI-based sensor systems and to integrate them into autonomous systems. The developed algorithms will be applied in mobile computers and tested on realistic industrial applications with robotic arms.

What we offer

The opportunity to work on research ideas of exciting modern topics in artificial intelligence and robotics, to develop your own ideas, to be part of a young and newly formed team, to go on international research trips, and to receive targeted career guidance for a successful scientific career.

Job requirements

Completed master’s degree in computer science, physics, telematics, statistics, mathematics, electrical engineering, mechanics, robotics or an equivalent education in the sense of the desired qualification. Willingness and ability for scientific work in research including publications with the possibility to write a dissertation.

Desired additional qualifications

Programming experience in one of the languages C, C++, C#, JAVA, Matlab, Python or similar. Experience with Linux or ROS is advantageous. Good English skills and willingness to travel for research and to give technical presentations.


Application deadline: June 30th, 2021

Online Application via: Montanuniversität Leoben Webpage

The Montanuniversitaet Leoben intends to increase the number of women on its faculty and therefore specifically invites applications by women. Among equally qualified applicants women will receive preferential consideration.

How to build a professional low-cost lightboard for teaching

Making Virtual Lectures Interactive

Giving virtual lectures can be exciting. Inspired by numerous blog posts of colleagues all over the world (e.g., [1], [2]), I decided to turned an ordinary glass desk into a light board. The total costs were less than 100 EUR.

Below you can see some snapshots of the individual steps.

Details to the Lightboard Construction

The light board construction is based on

  • A glas pane, 8mm thick. Hint: do not use acrylic glass or glas panes thinner than 8mm. I got an used glass/metal desk for 20EUR.
  • LED stripes from YUNBO 4mm width, e.g. from [4] for 13EUR. Hint: Larger LED strips, which you can typically get at DIY markets have width of 10mm. These strips do not fit into the transparent u profile.
  • Glass clamps for 8mm glass, e.g., from onpira-sales [5] for 12EUR.
  • Transparent U profiles from a DIY store, e.g., the 4005011040225 from HORNBACH [6] for 14EUR.
  • 4 castor wheels with breaks, e.g. from HORNBACH no. 4002350510587 for 21EUR.

Details to the Markers, the Background and the Lighting

Some remarks are given below on the background, the lighting and the markers.

  • I got well suited flourescent markers, e.g., from [6] for 12EUR. Hint: Compared to liquid chalk, these markers do not produce any noise during the writing and are far more visible.
  • The background blind is of major importance. I used an old white roller blind from [7] and turned it into a black blind using 0.5l of black paint. Hint: In the future, I will use a larger blind with a width of 3m. A larger background blind is required to build larger lightboards (mine is 140x70mm). Additionally, the distance between the glass pane and the blind could be increased (in my current setting I have a distance of 55cm).
  • Lighting is important to illuminate the presenter. I currently use two small LED spots. However, in the future I will use professional LED studio panels with blinds, e.g. [8]. Hint: The blinds are important to prevent illuminating the black background.
  • The LED stripes run at 12Volts. However, my old glass pane had many scratches, which become fully visible at the maximum power. To avoid these distracting effects, I found an optimal setting with 8Volts worked best for my old glass pane.

Details to the Software and to the Microphone

At the University, we are using CISCO’s tool WEBEX for our virtual lectures. The tool is suboptimal for interactive lightboard lectures, however, with some additional tools, I converged to a working solution.

  • Camera streaming app, e.g., EPOCCAM for the iphones or IRIUN for android phones. Hint: the smartphone is mounted on a tripod using a smartphone mount.
  • On the client side, a driver software is required. Details can be found when running the smartphone app.
  • On my mac, I am running the app Quick Camera to get a real time view of the recording. The viewer is shown in a screen mounted to the ceiling. Hint: The screen has to be placed such that no reflections are shown in the recordings.
  • In the WEBEX application, I select the IRIUN (virtual) webcam as source and share the screen with the quick camera viewer app.
  • To ensure an undamped audio signal, I am using a lavalier microphone like that one [9].
  • For offline recordings, apple’s quicktime does a decent job. Video and audio sources can be selected correctly. Hint: I also tested VLC, however, the lag of 2-3 seconds was perceived suboptimal by the students (a workaround with proper command line arguments was not tested).

An Example Lecture

And that’s how it looks …

IROS 2020 – New Horizons for Robot Learning


Robot learning combines the challenges of understanding, modeling and applying dynamical systems with task learning from rewards, through human robot interaction or from intrinsic motivation signals. While outstanding results using machine and deep learning have been generated in robot learning in the last years, current challenges in industrial applications are underrepresented. The goal of this workshop is to go beyond discussing potential industrial applications like in related past workshops.

These topics were discussed with Pieter Abbeel, Dileep George, Sergey Levine, Jan Peters, Freek Stulp, Marc Toussaint, Patrick van der Smagt, and Georg von Wichert.


Details to the workshop, the speakers and links to slides can be found on the workshop webpage.


NeurIPS 2019 – Robot open-Ended Autonomous Learning

NeurIPS 2019 Competition Track

Open-ended learning aims to build learning machines and robots that are able to acquire skills and knowledge in an incremental fashion in a certain environment. This competition addresses autonomous open-ended learning with a focus on simulated robot systems that: (a) acquire a sensorimotor competence that allows them to interact with objects and physical environments; (b) learn in a fully autonomous way, i.e. with no human intervention (e.g., no tasks or reward functions) on the basis of mechanisms such as curiosity, intrinsic motivations, task-free reinforcement learning, self-generated goals, and any other mechanism that might support autonomous learning. The competition challenge will feature two phases: during an initial “”intrinsic phase”” the system will have a certain time to freely explore and learn in an environment containing multiple objects, and then during an “”extrinsic phase”” the quality of the autonomously acquired knowledge will be measured with tasks unknown at design time and during the intrinsic phase.


Details on the competition can be found on the project webpage.




Cartoni, E.; Mannella, F.; Santucci, V. G.; Triesch, J.; Rueckert, E.; Baldassarre, G.

REAL-2019: Robot open-Ended Autonomous Learning competition Journal Article

In: Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol. 123, pp. 142-152, 2020, (NeurIPS 2019 Competition and Demonstration Track).

Links | BibTeX

REAL-2019: Robot open-Ended Autonomous Learning competition

H2020 Goal-Robots 11/2016-10/2020

This project aims to develop a new paradigm to build open-ended learning robots called `Goal-based Open ended Autonomous Learning’ (GOAL). GOAL rests upon two key insights. First, to exhibit an autonomous open-ended learning process, robots should be able to self-generate goals, and hence tasks to practice. Second, new learning algorithms can leverage self-generated goals to dramatically accelerate skill learning. The new paradigm will allow robots to acquire a large repertoire of flexible skills in conditions unforeseeable at design time with little human intervention, and then to exploit these skills to efficiently solve new user-defined tasks with no/little additional learning.
